October 11, 2010
November 18, 2010


Project info
Catkin by Carina Spencer
Neck / TorsoCape
me / prototype for a new shawl design
Needles & yarn
madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light
none left in stash
1 skein = 440.0 yards (402.3 meters), 100 grams
The Loopy Ewe in Loveland, Colorado
madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light
440 yards in stash
The Loopy Ewe in Loveland, Colorado

Pattern is now available.

11.20.10 :: Wow, thanks for all the positive feedback! I am starting a second shawl and will be writing up the pattern in the process. I doubt it will be out before the holidays, but should be ready for some very cozy, post-holiday-craziness, mid-winter knitting.

I’ve added a few new photos to show how the closures allow you to wear the shawl in several different ways. I wore mine assymetrically yesterday and was stopped and asked about it several times.

11.18.10 :: It’s DONE! I’m in love. Wearing it tomorrow and I’ll get some photos in the next few days. I changed the name to better reflect the design.

I’ll have to knit another one before I write up the pattern. I made so many changes and so many things happened in my life while I was knitting… I lost track here and there.

11.4.10 :: Getting there! I’m packing this up for a very long car ride this week. Hoping to wrap it up then.

10.31.10 :: In the home stretch finally. I really just want to wear it so badly.

10.23.10:: “Fraught and messy though an artistic life may be, is there a drug that can induce the euphoria as energizing as that intensely fragile moment when the muse passes through one and the artist becomes the simultaneously perfect and flawed instrument of expression? No there is not. Even as the inner voices battle it out intoning, ‘You suck!’ and, ‘Eureka!’ in equal measure, creation is like the loosest of teeth just begging to be toggled by the curious tongue -- a joyous torment in whatever form it takes.” - David Rakoff

Or uhm… scribble, knit, rip… repeat. I think I’ve got it worked out now though and I cannot wait to wear this!

10.11.10 :: These colors + this base = quintessential fall inspiration. I only hope to enhance their loveliness with this new shawl design I’ve been sketching in my imagination.

viewed 12220 times | helped 11 people
October 11, 2010
November 18, 2010
About this pattern
1756 projects, in 3985 queues
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About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
421 yards / 107 grams

133449 projects

stashed 147192 times

CarinaSpencer's star rating
  • Project created: October 11, 2010
  • Finished: November 20, 2010
  • Updated: May 11, 2011
  • Progress updates: 9 updates