Good One
October 2012
December 2012

Good One

Project info
Tig Notaro
Hopefully Tig sized!
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Cascade Yarns ® Ecological Wool®

UPDATE: Tig got the sweater! It was a hit and fits her well. I added a couple photos of her wearing it (taken by someone at Earwolf Studios). Isn’t she lovely? (My kids thought she was Elvis.)

Nothing like gift knitting for someone you’ve never even met, right? OMG I hope it fits.

I don’t get all fan girl over anyone anymore. Anyone except Tig Notaro that is. Her podcast Professor Blastoff is on my short list of favoritest things ever (you know, up there with cashmere socks and snow days -- YES, it is that good).

This year Tig suddenly became all super famous for having a horrible time of it. Seriously, it was all over the internet -- you probably heard. Either that or her Taylor Dayne story (and if you’ve never heard her Taylor Dayne story, you should not do one.more.thing until you’ve sat through all 12 minutes. TRUST ME.)

But, like they say, it gets better. She made it through 2012 and the best part is she beat breast cancer along the way. Before she announced she was cancer-free I had been working on a chemo cap to send her. When I heard she was well I ceremoniously stuffed the damn hat in the garbage! This sweater is my tribute to a beautiful lady who has brought me so much joy by being herself and doing what she does best. I wanted to give back to her by doing what I do best (arguably of course).

In some (small and nerdy) circles it is a well known fact that Tig loves a good “grandpa” sweater - the weirder the better -- and the robots are inspired by her “Good One Robot” character (originally from the Comedy Bang Bang podcast I think?). She named her first album Good One after that guy.

About the construction…
The sweater is a basic top-down, raglan yoke cardigan with shawl collar and patch pockets -- I did not follow a pattern, but you could get the basics from books by Barabara Walker and Elizabeth Zimmerman. The XO fairisle design is from this pattern and the robots were heavily inspired by this one (that hat is SO CUTE). I’ve uploaded JPGs of my robot charts - feel free to use them.

viewed 1574 times | helped 9 people
October 2012
December 2012
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
478 yards / 250 grams

34862 projects

stashed 14330 times

CarinaSpencer's star rating
  • Project created: December 5, 2012
  • Finished: December 5, 2012
  • Updated: March 17, 2013