Bitterroot Curtains
July 2014
August 10, 2014

Bitterroot Curtains

Project info
Bitterroot by Rosemary (Romi) Hill
Neck / TorsoScarf
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Bucilla Wondersheen (vintage)
1.25 skeins = 875.0 yards (800.1 meters), 150 grams
garage sale

I wanted a beaded curtain for my kitchen door with a half-window. This pattern was the answer. I had to adjust the edges for a rectangular shape, but a bit of work with a swatch solved that.

Mercerized cotton is slippery stuff, though. I blocked it to 35.5 inches wide; but as soon as it was hung it stretched another two inches in length, and narrowed to only 24 inches wide!

Top casing per Rose Leaf Design by Marianne Kinzel with a couple of extra garter rows.
Upper section: 16 repeats (wide) of chart A.
Lower beaded section: (16 wide) X 2 repeats (length) of chart G, rows 1 - 15, then finished with 1 repeat of rows 1 - 23.
11/28/2014 update. The curtain continued to stretch longer and get narrower each day. I finally had to shorten it and make a second one to match. A word to the wise with those slippery yarns…

5/18/2015 Started another! Will make this one WIDE enough. = 30 repeats wide, 315 st total.
9/1/2015 The second curtain got a blue ribbon in the Minnesota state fair, in the category of “other, not wearable”.

viewed 125 times
July 2014
August 10, 2014
About this pattern
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  • Project created: August 10, 2014
  • Finished: August 10, 2014
  • Updated: September 18, 2015