Worsted Variation
November 19, 2016
November 20, 2016

Worsted Variation

Project info
Christine's Stay-On Baby Booties by Christine Bourquin
Feet / LegsBooties
Needles & yarn
Blue Sky Fibers Sweater Worsted
StevenBe in Minneapolis, Minnesota
November 17, 2016

I needed to make matching booties for a baby sweater with worsted weight yarn. This is how I altered Christine’s basic pattern:

Cast on 12 st using temporary cast-on
Stockinette st for 7 rows, end after knit row
Pick up and knit 6 st on short side - to squeeze in 6 st you may need to inc 1 by K front & back (K f&b) on last st of knitted 12 st needle and then pick up 5 st
Knit 12 st from temporary cast-on side – usually there are only 11 st because of the reversed st direction, inc by K f&b on last st to get 12
Pick up and knit 6 st on 2nd short side = total 36 st

9 rows garter st in round, begin and end with purl round, end after short side

P2tog with last st of previous round and 1st st of next round, turn
Sl 1, P4, P2tog, turn
Sl 1, K4, SSK, turn
Repeat above 2 rows 5 X, after last row do not turn (6 st on 3 needles, 7 st on 4th needle)
K round, & K2tog with last st of side needle (7 st) and 1st st of instep needle = 24 st

K 2 rounds
Next round: K2tog YO, repeat around
Next 2 rounds: K1 P1 rib (K in K2tog, P in YO)

Finish cuff as desired. For a folded over ribbed cuff:
Decrease next round: SSK K P, repeat around = 18 st
Next 6 rows: K2 P1 rib
Increase one round:K f&b (inc 1) K P, repeat around = 24 st
K1P1 rib for 5-6 rows
Sewn bind-off is good for a stretchy finish.

Place ribbon or yarn ties through YO spaces

viewed 73 times | helped 2 people
November 19, 2016
November 20, 2016
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Blue Sky Fibers
55% Wool, 45% Cotton
160 yards / 100 grams

20164 projects

stashed 12686 times

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  • Project created: November 20, 2016
  • Updated: November 20, 2016