TDS 2015 - stage 1 - 15/2015
June 1, 2015
June 8, 2015

TDS 2015 - stage 1 - 15/2015

Project info
Virrat by Tiina Kuu
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
S but gets XL ;-)
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm

Wollkessel Socke 6 fach. Im Rahmen des Geburtstagsknäuelwichteln von Sarantha erhalten.

My Email - sarah(at)tour-de-sock(dot)com (replace the (at) and (dot) with the appropriate symbols)

Rav Name:
Team Name (if any):
Sponsor Yarn (if any):
Photo of Your Finished Socks
Photo of Sponsor Yarn Band/Label if used (this can also be a link to your project page if you have it posted there)

If you do not include your team name, you will not get team points. There are too many teams for me to hunt through the lists this year.

The email must include a picture of your finished socks, not a link to your project page. The time stamp on the email is used to establish finishing order and cannot be tinkered with, unlike a project page. I know no one here would try to fudge their time, but we have to cover all our bases. :-)

Allowable Modifications –

You may mix/match your sock sizes. For example, if you wish to knit a small size at the foot and work a larger leg, you may do that as long as you do not work anything less that the smallest size.

Should you wish to use a different weight yarn than is called for in the pattern, that is okay, but you may not work any looser gauge than is called for in the pattern. Tighter is good, looser is not.

You may add repeats of Rows 19-23 of Chart A if you would like a longer foot than is stated in the minimums. You may also add these rows after the heel if you would like a longer leg.

Minimum Requirements –
You should work at least 2 repeats of Rows 19-23 on Chart A (in addition to the initial rows 1-23) prior to beginning your gusset increases and at least 6 total repeats by the time you get to the heel turn..

After the heel flap, you may proceed to Chart B.

After Chart C, you must do a minimum of 12 rows of ribbing.

Must use a sewn bind-off.

Pattern Notes –
You’re going to be curious about the toe. It is written so that it will have a hole until you get to the finishing.

Some of you may want to switch and knit this sock from the cuff down. Part of the challenge here is a bind-off that you may not be familiar with and a different toe-structure. So, no, you may not change direction.

Submission Photos –

Please submit a photo of the front of your socks, one showing the riverbed gusset, and one showing the back of the legs.

For your email, the photo from the front showing both socks completely finished will suffice.

Your post to the Ravelry thread should have all three.

viewed 71 times
June 1, 2015
June 8, 2015
About this pattern
569 projects, in 464 queues
ClaudiMulti's overall rating
ClaudiMulti's clarity rating
ClaudiMulti's difficulty rating
  • Project created: May 29, 2015
  • Finished: June 8, 2015
  • Updated: January 5, 2018
  • Progress updates: 2 updates