Doing this out of stash yarn, just because I really love the T-top style sweater and wanted a knit shell I could wear to pride this year. I chose the Gilbert Baker rainbow instead of the standard pride flag, mostly because I love teal and pink.
General pattern notes:
Co 160 sts long tail tubular with US 10 circular
10 rows 1x1 rib w smaller needle and purple.
Switch to US 10.5 circular, knit until piece measures 16”.
10 rows dark blue
10 rows teal
10 rows green
10 rows yellow
10 rows orange
10 rows red
10 rows pink.
Split for front and back- slip 80 stitches to holder. Join white and work following over 80 stitches remaining.
Staggered eyelet:
- Knit across
- Purl across.
- Knit 3, (Yo, K2tog, K2) to last 5 stitches, YO, K2tog, K3
- Purl across
- Knit across.
- Purl across.
- Knit 1, (YO, K2tog, K2) to last 3 stitches, YO, K2tog, K1.
- Purl across.
Work 6 repeats of pattern, bind off.
Repeat for held stitches.
Seam shoulders and underarms.