Errata Update: Be sure you have the latest edition of this pattern!
I will love this sweater when it’s finished but I must question PomPom’s logic of publishing a pattern which so obviously has never been test-knitted or properly tech-edited.
Despite the numerous errors in the stitch counts and instructions it’s totally doable to finish this project, mind you I am an experienced knitter. If you don’t mind fussing with stitch counts and chart placement you might find the errors no big deal but with my schedule I don’t have the time to faff about with these issues so that’s why I’m pretty frustrated with the amount of errors. That being said, you can work up to round 62 with little issue, after that it’s a bit messy.
These are the notes on errata that I have (so far) please be advised these are for the Size 3 and I cannot speak to stitch count errors in other sizes. These are just my notes because I’m crazy into taking notes when I knit so take that as you will. :-P
-I switched to larger needles after the ribbing.
-Chart B Errors: Rows 28 & 29 sts 17, 18 should be color B to maintain symmetry as well as Rows 38, 39, 40 stitch 12 and Rows 67 & 68 st 23
-In the beginning during the short rows it jumps from row 9 to row 10 of chart A. The pattern instructs to begin Row 1 of Chart A on Round 3 of the short rows, row 2 of A on round 4 and so on but after repeating short rows 5 & 6 twice you should be on row 9 of chart A but the pattern instucts “Round 1” pick up your wraps and work row 10. To resolve this I just added in an extra round and picked up wraps while knitting round Row 9 of the chart and then began “Round 1” and worked as written (minus the wraps which had already been picked up.)
-The pattern instructs to cut your color B and leave a 36” long tail for the portions where it is only being used in the center panels (and on the sleeves) rather than carrying the yarn behind color A for the lengthy stretches where it isn’t being used. The pattern instructs to weave your long tail of B back to the beginning of the colorwork round so it is ready for the next row; I found this method to be quite tedious and it also creates a density to the fabric in these areas which I personally do not like. Instead, I am electing to cut the yarn on the rounds where this is necessary and leaving just enough tail to weave in on both sides at the very end of the project. This will create a lot of ends to weave in but I’d rather do this than disrupt my colorwork momentum.
-After completing round 61, no increases are needed.
-Rounds 62-70: K 2sts with yarn A before working Chart I (8 times) then work first 9sts of Chart I followed by 2sts with yarn A.
-Round 71: Before Chart I; work 1 st in B, 1 st in A, and again at the end of this area, 1 st in B/ 1 st in A.
-Round 72: Knit as before but increase 4 sts in each Chart I section which will give you 272 sts total
-Rounds 85-104 Begin on stitch 5 of Chart L and end on Stitch 5 of Chart L
-Rounds 105-120 Begin on stitch 1 of chart on BOR
-Round 121: Increase 4 more sts (2 on each side) count carefully here to get your front center to line up as you prefer, you can fudge your increases to make either the little stars or the arrows line-up in Chart M
-Round 121-160 Start with the 1st of Chart M at BOR
Sleeves: Begin knitting chart I in Round 1 of the sleeves. Be sure to start decreasing on Round 21 -- Pay special attention to how the chart lines up, if you follow the pattern verbatim the stars will not line up in a straight line with the stars you knit before separating for the sleeves so you may need to fudge the chart placement here to get everything straight.
September 7, 2018
One sleeve left!
September 18, 2018
Blocking time!
September 20, 2018
All blocked and ready for Indie Untangled 2018