Birthday Dress Sadie 2016
July 5, 2015
October 10, 2015

Birthday Dress Sadie 2016

Project info
Creeping Ivy by Taiga Hilliard
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
madelinetosh Tosh Sock
2.89 skeins = 1141.6 yards (1043.8 meters), 303 grams

This is a sample knit for the designer.

Chose this colorway as it matches Munchkin’s eyes exactly.


  • Knit yoke on size 3s.

  • Yoke completed 7/7/15.

  • Switched to size 4s on bind-off row for arm-holes, then 5s for remainder of pattern.

  • Project on hold 7/23-8/9 to complete another Taiga sweater for other daughter’s birthday.

  • Chart is very intuitive and easy to memorize, but very dense and a bit time-intensive.

  • Pattern repeat: on size 5s at gauge, getting one full repeat per 1.5,“ pre-blocking and without finished border. For this size, that equals 14 repeats (less consideration of border rounds).

  • Ran out of first skein of yarn (~400 yards) after yoke and completion of 4th cycle of chart on size 5T.

  • Ran out of second skein of yarn after completing 9th chart repeat, at about 13.5” long (from armhole). 400 yards ~ 5 full chart repeats on this size of garment.

  • Math: weighed out one gram of yarn and found that I got ~ 175 stitches (in pattern) out of it. Based on this, I’m anticipating needing close to 1,200 yards in order to complete this project.

  • Ended up needing 13 repeats of the chart to reach my desired length; measured hanging vs flat, as this will be how it is worn.

viewed 63 times | helped 1 person
July 5, 2015
October 10, 2015
About this pattern
18 projects, in 22 queues
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About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
462 yards / 130 grams

56805 projects

stashed 55601 times

Danniknitter's star rating
  • Project created: June 24, 2015
  • Finished: November 15, 2015
  • Updated: October 21, 2018
  • Progress updates: 11 updates