Cables for Carl
January 19, 2024
March 4, 2024

Cables for Carl

Project info
238-50 Lang Yarns Yak by LANGYARNS SWITZERLAND
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
17 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in Reverse St st
Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn! Solids
355 yards in stash
4 skeins = 1420.0 yards (1298.4 meters), 796 grams
Hobby Lobby in Iowa

This is not a beginner pattern!

The first thing I did was copy out the English version and put it into a document by itself so I didn’t have to print out pages with 3 other languages. The pattern has 19 pages!

I decided to knit the body in one piece. Left out the edge stitches. Now, I’m calculating the placement of the decreases and trying to figure out how the cables are supposed to be placed. Oops, just realized I left out the front edge stitches for the left and right fronts but I do need them. I think I will start over because then the ribbing will begin and end with 2 knits.

Started the sleeves. Son’s question when he saw the 3 x 3 ribbing was, “Why is it stripes?” I thought the same thing. All those lovely cables on the body but not on the sleeves? I started a second sleeve and used the chart pattern with a cable up the outside of the sleeve and the 4 x 2 ribbing around the rest of the sleeve. Looks much more like it belongs on this sweater.

Decided to join the sleeves to the body and knit them all in one piece from underarm up, doing the decreases as written in the pattern. Might do a saddle shoulder… we will see when I get closer.

The pattern has the cables go up too high on the sleeve. I was running into the front neck shaping so I eliminated the extra repeat of the final rows before the change to reverse stockinette.

The tuck before the reverse stockinette isn’t going to work with the sleeves attached so I just did a few rows of purl on the front side of each body piece and then changed the yoke to stockinette with the right side showing.


I had the collar and one front band done when he tried it on for that “final time.” Unfortunately, it didn’t fit well in the shoulders, the sleeve was too tight at the top half, the armhole too long and across the yoke it was too loose.

I have now ripped it back almost to the bottom of the armscye.

viewed 40 times
January 19, 2024
March 4, 2024
About this pattern
18 projects, in 40 queues
DeniseInIowa's overall rating
DeniseInIowa's clarity rating
DeniseInIowa's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Hobby Lobby
100% Acrylic
355 yards / 199 grams

103318 projects

stashed 29312 times

DeniseInIowa's star rating
DeniseInIowa's adjectives for this yarn
  1. soft
  2. washable
  3. great stitch definition
  • Project created: January 19, 2024
  • Finished: March 5, 2024
  • Updated: March 28, 2024
  • Progress updates: 7 updates