I wore this hoodie constantly at the end of last winter! Love it!
I”m past the ribbing and into the cables! So far I’ve made a few mods… or fixed a few problems depending on how you look at it. I’m knitting the 41” size in one piece. Since my gauge was a little off I’m not eliminating any stitches for the seams. So I started the ribbing as written and then figured out that as written for the 41” size the cables don’t grow out of the ribbing perfectly. No. Not ok with that. Plus the back ribbing doesn’t work out - 83 stitches in p3k2 ends w/ 3 stitches left over - which the pattern doesn’t seem to mention. And if I’m not eliminating any seam stitches I ended up with 6 knits in a row at each side instead of the normal 3… So I ripped it all out did some math and ended up with this:
Cast on 40, marker, 83, marker, 40.
WS: K2, P3 repeat until 3 stitches before marker, P2, K1, slip marker, K1, P2,K2, P3, repeat from * until 3 stitches before the next marker, P2, K1, slip marker, K1, P2, K2, P3, repeat until 2 stitches from the end, K2.
RS: Knit all knits purl all purls
Repeated for 11 rows total
Then did the set up rows like this:
K8, place marker, setup from pattern, place marker, K11, slide side marker, K11, place marker, set up from pattern, place marker, K19, place marker, set up from pattern, place marker, K11, slip side marker, K11, place marker, setup from pattern, place marker, K8 to end.
That way the P1f&B ends up being in the center stitch of the ribbing pattern. So the cables grow perfectly out of the ribbing.
OH and to make the cables easier…for the first small cable I’m knitting two together, keep stitches on the left needle, knit the first stitch one more time. Then for the second one I’m Knit the second stitch through the back loop, keep both stitches on the left needle, K2tog through the back loop and slide to the right needle. I found that mod in someone’s pattern notes but don’t remember where….