Berenice for Quinn
September 9, 2014
September 18, 2014

Berenice for Quinn

Project info
Berenice (For Kids) by Julie Hoover
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
ColourMart Cashmere/Silk/Cotton/Merino 2/9NM Fingering wt
119 yards in stash
0.75 skeins = 525.0 yards (480.1 meters), 112 grams
January 15, 2012

Give me a freaking break! Pale blue headings? Light grey for the page numbers?? What’s wrong with black??? I pay good money for your patterns… it would be nice not to go blind reading them! (11 pages of pattern where 5 or 6 would have done! PUT the key on the same page as the chart please!!) I may have to stop buying BT patterns!?? (My star rating reflects my frustration with this BT and issue and not so much the pattern itself! It’s fairly well written and cute.)

Mods…(Yes I have mods already as I am not a fan of the pick up stitch edge on the bottom and the cuffs! looks sloppy to me.)

  • Casting on with ribbing.
  • Going to try this in the round. Seems silly to seam this. (CO 160, Longtail paired CO)
  • No tubular anything or kitchener. Nope, these are not for me!
  • I think I might want a longer sleeve so will need to do more underarm increases.
  • Reverse pills more than so guess what I plan to do! (Plus I don’t care for the look of the wrong side on the right side… Jmho! LOL)
  • Doing a 2x2 Twisted Cable Rib for a bit of interest.
  • Making a false seam by knitting 1 K1B stitch on each of the sides. It doesn’t stand out much but it is noticeable.
  • I didn’t bother with the bump stitch on either side of the cable.

Anyway, so far so good and I like what is happening and how it looks :-)

Sept 13th

I am up to where I have to separate for the sleeves. Doing the back first… (The dolman sleeve increases work really well in the round :-)

My thoughts at this point… to be honest, I can’t wait to be done with the lace panels! It is NOT intuitive and I have to look at every line of every RSR every repeat and it’s driving me batty! I am glad that this is a small project and it will be done soon!

Sept 15th

The body is done and looks soooo big, I sure hope that it fits her… 2 huh? Looks to me like it would fit a 6 year old but it is suppose to have a lot of ease… we’ll see!

I worked each side separately, I have a cone of yarn and not balls so I didn’t feel like winding cakes, and it worked out fine once I got my head around the written instruction. (Which are pretty fuzzy for the sloped shoulder and neck edge decreases/BO’s!) I wrote the stitch numbers on the schematic so I would know where I was and where to go next.

Done :-)

111 grams.

viewed 439 times | helped 7 people
September 9, 2014
September 18, 2014
About this pattern
395 projects, in 584 queues
Dianepurls' overall rating
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Dianepurls' difficulty rating
About this yarn
by ColourMart
50% Merino, 30% Cotton, 15% Silk, 5% Cashmere goat
722 yards / 150 grams

213 projects

stashed 248 times

Dianepurls' star rating
  • Project created: September 7, 2014
  • Finished: September 27, 2014
  • Updated: September 30, 2015
  • Progress updates: 4 updates