Baby Ugg Boot(ies)
March 19, 2014
March 29, 2014

Baby Ugg Boot(ies)

Project info
Suede Baby Booties: Knit by Candi Jensen
Feet / LegsBooties
My daughter's one year old
6 mos - 2 yrs
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
263 yards
Lion Brand Lion Chenille
1 skein = 174.0 yards (159.1 meters), 85 grams
Patons North America Be Mine
1 skein = 89.0 yards (81.4 meters), 50 grams

link text
I originally had a very lengthy note that for some reason did not get save and I REALLY do not feel like completely re-typing it all; sorry. So for now, much like the project, these notes are a work in progress and I will update it at a later date because there is some important information that needs to be included for anyone considering using the YouTube video I used to make these boots.

** UPDATE **
I have finally finished, phew! Images can be seen by clicking the link below to my blog. I would have easily finish them sooner but I ran into a couple hurdles, one, was sewing on the velcro button-size closure. It had to be done with a thimble which was tedious and time consuming so I took breaks from day-to-day and procrastinated…a lot. ha ha The other hurdle was plastic coated soles for slip-resistence-safety. I applied 3-4 coats that each took 30 minutes intervals. Once the last coat sat for the final 30 minutes, I let the boots sit some more for another 4 hours per the manufacture tip to ensure they completely dry. I am completely happy with the overall look of the soles. I had wanted to use a clear coat of Plastic Dip spray but hardware store was out of stock and I had purchase white by mistake at another store (none of the cans are label with what color; you have to find out on your own that they colors are coded by the color of the cap on the can but the store I went to only had the one color choice so there was no way for me or the store employee to figure out the color. I sprayed a small amount in the store and look clear but that was before finding out it would take 30 minutes for it to dry to see the color was not clear but in fact white). So I opted for gray; most shoe have dark sole anyway. However, the dark color on yarn made the fiber look ugly and grungy. I did not think returning for the white would have fair any better. I hope to find the clear the next time I visit the hardware store. Other than that, they came out well.

viewed 31 times
March 19, 2014
March 29, 2014
About this pattern
1408 projects, in 1613 queues
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About this yarn
by Lion Brand
100% Acrylic
174 yards / 85 grams

701 projects

stashed 896 times

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About this yarn
by Patons North America
100% Nylon
89 yards / 50 grams

543 projects

stashed 849 times

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  • Project created: March 25, 2014
  • Finished: April 1, 2014
  • Updated: April 11, 2015
  • Progress updates: 2 updates