Cardigan Primevère
May 1, 2021
April 15, 2023

Cardigan Primevère

Project info
Primrose by Marie Wallin
DominiqueBe on ravelry
Needles & yarn

Finished at last, after 2 years knitting and unravelling!
I had chosen to make a cardigan instead of a sweater.
As most of the knitters who knit that pattern mentioned it, if you follow the instructions carefully, the result is really weird : body is too short, yoke is too high, and the armholes consequently start too low. Which is well hidden on the pictures in the book!
First I started the L size, but, though my gauge was ok, the body was way too large. So I reknit it in the M size and kept L size for the sleeves (I need them to be “comfortable”).
I started the yoke only after the yellow diamond motif, but after that, as I had made different sizes for body and sleeves, the stranded pattern no longer matched. I had to change the first pattern after the yellow diamond one.
And, of course, after having come to the neck, I realized my yoke was too large (because of the bigger number of stitches in the sleeves). So I unravelled once again, and reknit it with more decreases in the first rows.
And, last but not least, I also unravelled and reknit the body and sleeves ribbing, which, in my opinion, were too long as well.
Let’s say I’m pretty proud I had the courage to achieve my Primrose cardigan. At some point, I thought I’ never come to the end of it!

viewed 495 times | helped 9 people
May 1, 2021
April 15, 2023
About this pattern
246 projects, in 434 queues
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DominiqueBe's clarity rating
DominiqueBe's difficulty rating
  • Originally queued: December 6, 2019
  • Project created: February 8, 2022
  • Finished: April 19, 2023
  • Updated: April 23, 2023