September 16, 2014
September 26, 2014


Project info
Lotus Hat by UptownPurl
HatBeanie, Toque
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Zen Yarn Garden Serenity Worsted
18 yards in stash
0.64 skeins = 112.0 yards (102.4 meters), 64 grams
Lettuce Knit
August 12, 2014

NOTE: Neither the pattern nor the yarn led to me frogging this project. I liked this hat, but it didn’t cover my ears, and the lace wasn’t good for keeping my head warm, which I’ve discovered is a priority for me. Plus, I had just less than half a skein left, which wasn’t enough to make anything with, and I hated the idea that this gorgeous souvenir skein was being half-wasted because I picked an otherwise lovely pattern that just didn’t eat up enough yarn!

This hat may be as close as you can come to instant gratification in knitting. I cast on to occupy myself in the waiting room for a doctor’s appointment, and if it weren’t for the fact that I was doggedly pushing to finish my So In Love cardigan, I could have finished in a weekend, if not a single dedicated day of knitting.

I was originally attracted to the design because I thought that it featured an easy cable pattern, but in fact it’s just a clever lace design. No fancy stitches here--apart from the ribbing, there’s not a purl in sight--and yet a lovely pattern emerges.

The yarn was a souvenir skein from Lettuce Knit in Toronto, Ontario, picked up during a day trip while on vacation for my fifth anniversary. It’s delightfully smooth and spongy with a firm ply, which I’ve come to discover is my favorite kind of yarn. The cashmere content definitely doesn’t hurt either. I’d love to have a sweater (or three) in this yarn.

I chose to knit four repeats of Chart A to get full ear coverage. I went up a needle size to a US 7 (I’m a tight knitter) and worked most of the hat on a 12-inch circular; to complete the crown I switched over to a 40-inch circular and used Magic Loop.

viewed 35 times
September 16, 2014
September 26, 2014
About this pattern
3249 projects, in 4597 queues
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About this yarn
by Zen Yarn Garden
75% Merino, 15% Cashmere goat, 10% Nylon
175 yards / 100 grams

754 projects

stashed 965 times

Dreamsong's star rating
  • Originally queued: August 25, 2014
  • Project created: September 16, 2014
  • Updated: September 14, 2015
  • Progress updates: 2 updates