Measurement A: 50”
Measurement B: 9.5x2=19
Measurement C: 18
Measurement D: 11
Measurement E: 27
Swatch: 3x5.5” - 9 pattern repeats, 5 back 163 sts & 2x2 fronts 67 (134) sts - total 297 sts
Treat end of repeat 2 and repeat 7 the same as end of row and beginning of repeat 3 and repeat 8 the same as beginning of row - keep track by placing markers on the RS at stitches 68 and 231
Split for sleeves after working body for 17.5” - 5 pattern repeats
Front panel (right):
Next row (row 1 of pattern repeat): work 55 stitches - turn
Row 2: dctog over first two stitches - work in pattern and dctog over last two stitches
Row 3-7: repeat Row 2
Row 8-24: continue decreasing over first two stitches on RS rows and last two stitches of WS rows - 25 stitches after row 24
Row 25-29: work as per pattern
Row 30: dc across
Back panel:
Next row (row 1 of pattern repeat): reattach yarn 13 stitches from underarm marker - work in pattern until 13 stitches from next underarm marker (139 stitches)
Row 2-7: repeat Row 2 from front panel
Row 8-24: work in pattern with no further decreases
Row 25: work 29 stitches, turn
Continue working Back Panel (right)
Row 26-29: WS rows: dctog at beginning of row; RS rows: dctog at end of row (25 stitches)
Row 30: dc across
Back panel (left)
Row 1: RS attach yarn to 29th stitch from edge - work pattern across
Row 2-5: WS rows: dctog at end of row; RS rows: dctog at beginning of row (25 stitches)
Row 6: dc across
Front panel (left):
Next row (row 1 of pattern repeat): join in 13th stitch from underarm marker - work 55 stitches - turn
Row 2: dctog over first two stitches - work in pattern and dctog over last two stitches
Row 3-7: repeat Row 2
Row 8-24: continue decreasing over first two stitches on WS rows and last two stitches of RS rows - 25 stitches after row 24
Row 25-29: work as per pattern
Row 30: dc across
With 2.75mm hook, sc around bottom and front edge - sl st to beginning - change to 2.25mm hook, ch29 and 27blo-hdc slst to 3sc, turn and continue along bottom edge - around front edge, ch20 and 18blo-hdc
Work sleeve cap as per Alyssium Cardigan - once finished with short rows, reattach yarn to RS of middle of underarm and work 40 v-stitches, with 12 along the underarm edge - work body of sleeve for 53 rows - continue with ribbing as per Alyssum Cardigan with a starting ch20 using 2.25mm hook