Arrow of Time Sweater - testing
December 28, 2018
January 17, 2019

Arrow of Time Sweater - testing

Project info
Arrow of Time Sweater by Valentina Bogdanova
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
15 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
Gazzal Galla
2.4 skeins = 787.4 yards (720.0 meters), 240 grams

Свитер связан в рамках тестирования описания.
Описание замечательное, приношу свою благодарность автору!
Сложностей с вязанием свитера не должно возникнуть - все четко и понятно. Надо иметь хотя бы минимальный опыт вязания ажурных узоров, в остальном - все очень доступно.

The sweater is knitted within the pattern testing.
A wonderful description, I give my thanks to the author!
Difficulties with knitting a sweater should not arise - everything is clear and understandable. It is necessary to have a minimal experience of lace knitting.

viewed 34 times
December 28, 2018
January 17, 2019
About this pattern
9 projects, in 29 queues
FainaE's overall rating
FainaE's clarity rating
FainaE's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Gazzal
50% Merino, 25% Acrylic, 25% Nylon
328 yards / 100 grams

83 projects

stashed 55 times

FainaE's star rating
  • Project created: February 4, 2019
  • Finished: February 4, 2019
  • Updated: November 13, 2021