Tappan Zee cardigan
In progress
December 2, 2014
work in progress

Tappan Zee cardigan

Project info
Tappan Zee Cardigan by Amy King
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm

I keep trying different patterns but I think I’ve finally decided on something that might work for this yarn!

Casting on with 108 stitches AKA size 40. Yeah, so I’m not a size 40 but all the other larger sizes on Ravelry have ginormous necklines and I’d rather have one that doesn’t gape too much. Will gradually increase sizes as I go.
Have completed first section and am moving on to the second…

Finished section two with 228 stitches which is equal to size 44. Getting closer…

total stitches after splitting for sleeves needs to be 250 stitches total

will need to do some bust increases after working below armholes to get to 260

Had put this aside to work on a few other things…also my needle broke but a bit of super glue got me back on track again.

Have completed section 3 with 412 stitches. I’m not sure how I managed that but I should be in good shape.

Famous last words. Put the stitches onto ribbon yarn to try on before I split for the arms. (le sigh) Not only is it way too big…it looks like some sort of clown collar.
Looks like I need to rip back. Again.

Woo hoo! Have finally cracked the code on the fit! Still have a lot more to knit but I’m feeling much more confident know.

The knitting is complete. All that remains is blocking and buttons. I love it!

I still consider this a WIP even though I wear it all the time. I still haven’t added the buttons and button band though. Maybe someday?

Recently ripped back worn cuffs and reknit the sleeves a bit longer. Decided tonight that I may as well rip the body back to the waist since it is a bit wide and short for my tastes.

viewed 74 times
In progress
December 2, 2014
work in progress
About this pattern
1132 projects, in 1825 queues
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  • Project created: July 2, 2014
  • In progress: July 2, 2014
  • Updated: February 15, 2022
  • Progress updates: 5 updates