The Rainbow Granny Blanket
September 2014
April 17, 2016

The Rainbow Granny Blanket

Project info
my lil boy
Hooks & yarn
3.5 mm (E)
stylecraft special dk in rainbow colours!

My 6 year old requested a rainbow blanket and after googling rainbow blankets decided a giant granny square was what he really wanted!
I have two balls each of seven rainbow colours and will just keep on hooking till I run out of yarn!


My six year old is now 7 and his rainbow blanket still isn’t finished! I have promised to finish it by his birthday (4th May ) but hopefully before then….

It looks great but each round now takes approx a movie to complete so a bit slow going but I am determined to get this done and dusted!


Finally done! Only took 18 months lol! Not so lil boy is chuffed to bits to have his blanket at last

viewed 6 times
September 2014
April 17, 2016
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: October 13, 2014
  • Updated: April 17, 2016
  • Progress updates: 4 updates