Cathedral Rose Window
In progress
February 14, 2016
work in progress

Cathedral Rose Window

Project info
Cathedral Rose Window Afghan by Julene Watson
Hooks & yarn
Stylecraft Special Double Knit

Purchased pattern from Annie’s Nov 2015. I thought I already had this pattern but I couldn’t find it.

Notes from the designer:


CAL - no longer active

“After the pattern was published in 1994, the yarns I originally used became unavailable, and other yarns were substituted to give the same overall appearance. But, since the yarns now being used are all 4-ply, it is no longer necessary to double the yarn for those small sections. Doing so gives an overly-bulky result”

I like Franks version,
but maybe change the green.
MMder is copying the colours and I prefer that brighter version
But I am leaning very much towards Occles version but with maybe more purple and less green.

I’ve got ages to decide as I have three orders to finish first.

Good tips from EviesMummy.

1st January 2016 - looking at my proposed colours I think the Jaffa and the bright green may be just too bright. I might substitute spice for Jaffa, maybe spring green for bright green.

Keep changing my mind, removed orange altogether and reversed bright pink and red.
So far am at, lipstick,
bright pnk,
citron, or orange then sunshine no citron
grass green or green, spring green, or hunters green
plum. Originally I planned the centre to be bright pink.
Have sent for an assortment of oranges in different brands but I think they were overwhelmed by the Boxing Day sale and they still haven’t arrived, as at 19th Jan. Meanwhile I have more orders for throws - will I ever get started on this one.
12th Feb 2016 - had a light bulb moment - I am longing to start this but feel I must only work on my orders even though they were only undertaken on the understanding that there would be no deadline and indeed, I am not confident that she can afford to pay for them all at once anyway - anyhow - my light bulb moment was,If I was the sort of person who had big nights out over the weekend or went away on trips on a day off, well, I wouldn’t be working on my orders during those hours would I? I’d be trudging around the Trafford centre or being bored rigid in a pub somewhere. So my reasoning is, Saturday nights at least could be Catherdral Rose Window nights - well after the shopping is delivered and put away - Woohoo, I’m going to start it soon.
14th Feb 2016 - centre Stylecraft DK Fuschia Purple
Stylecraft DK Lipstick
Bergere de France sport gironille 25330L9399
King Cole Pricewise Orange
Stylecraft Sunshine (with pocorns on king cole orange)
Unfortunately even though the Bergere orange is still a dk it is thicker than the stylecraft and shows through when carrying across the black. Will have to ponder on whether to try a different orange or cut the yarn at each section.
Pleased with how much I got done today, the centre octagon , the pentagons the triangles and all joined together. Stopped when I ran into the problem with the orange. Wonder if this will solve the problem, working in the blo

or this looks an interesting possibility
Meanwhile, instead of giving up in frustration at the colours showing through, or cutting and sewing in a million ends, I have begun just stranding and to hec with it.
16th Feb 2016 - after much research I have realised that although I have used the correct size hook for my yarn, I should have used either a lot smaller hook or a thicker yarn to be able to carry the yarn tapestry style. I can continue and strand the yarn, or just turn what I have done into a cushion and start again some time.

Decided to make an extra black bar and then change from the too thick orange to a different make and shade, and then carry the pattern on.
18th Feb 2016-now it’s ruffling! I am enjoying the project but I don’t want to press on if it’s going to look like a dog’s dinner.Before I give up I might try a round or 2 with no increasing.
20th Feb 2016 - nearly finished the pyramid rounds; still ruffling but I am hoping the heptagon round might sort it out and I might go down a hook size or two. I keep nearly putting it aside but then am intrigued to try the next part and so carry on. I had to make myself put it down to work on an order but I know I will be back to it in between.
21st Feb 2016 - finished the pyramids and all weaving in. Although I have still the columns to finish I started on the heptagons for a change of colour.
23rd Feb 2016-decided to upload a photo of the stranded back. I wish I had made this in a 3mm so I could have hidden the strands the way the pattern says but never mind.
27th Feb 2016- finished all heptagons and have started sewing them on. Actually ran out of grass green with just 4 trebles (uk) to go. As I hadn’t woven in some of the ends yet I wove and then snipped them as long as possible and russian joined them together to make enough yarn to finish the last heptagon. Have to use my lighted magnifier to see the black when stitching together.Had a try at slip stitching them with my hook but went back to whip stitching with a needle as it’s a lot quicker, with the help of the lamp.

1st March 2016- started filling I the valleys with turquoise. My goodness, this is going to be a long section.

2nd March 2016- spent ages pulling back and redoing section 3 round 8. I just couldn’t get it right. Eventually thought to check for errata! Let’s hope this helps :
“2. Elin of Sweden has found what appears to be an error in the printed pattern.
On Row 8, it reads:
Join black in first st of any black 5-dc group, ch 3, dc in each of next 4 sts, changing to gemstone, dc in each of next 6 sts, inc, dc in each of next 3 sts, working across rnd 6, working over sl sts, dc in next st, changing to black, dc in each of next 5 sts, changing to gemstone, dc in each of next 2 sts, working across Valley fill-in, dc in next st, inc, dc in each of next 3 sts, inc, dc in each of next 2 sts, changing to black, dc in each of next 5 sts] 16 times, ending last rep at, changing to black, join in top of beg ch-3. (34 sts in each rep - 544 sts total)

The problem is, these instructions, as written, will give you only 33 sts, not 34, in each rep.

There are supposed to be two increases in each gemstone section. I spaced them evenly, so once you see the pattern of where to increase in each gemstone section, it should be the same throughout:
“ changing to gemstone, dc in each of next 3 sts, inc, dc in each of next 3 sts, inc, dc in each of next 2 sts, changing to black, dc in each of next 5 sts 16 times“So, it’s a pattern of 3 dc, increase, 3 dc, increase, 2 dc for each gemstone section, then switch to black and dc 5. This will give you the proper number of increases for Row 8.”

23rd March 2016-have realised that I have continued with turquoise where I intended to do wisteria. Maybe I could do the popcorns in wisteria. I really don’t want to pull it back.

17th April 2016 - back working on this now my orders are finished. Starting the second round of pyramids, and don’t see why I need to keep breaking the yarn. Maybe because I have been stranding all along it’s no big deal to me to strand between the pyramids but I suppose if you’ve had a perfect tapestried back all this time you would have to break the yarn as there are no stitches to tapestry it across to the next pyramind until you do the final connecting black round. Anyhow, I am sure I will find out as I go along.

Tips from other crocheters:
“I was having a problem with the valleys as well. What I found helped a lot, was to mark the slip stitches on both ends. That helps you to be able to see on the round if you are off immediately. Also, after a certain point, there are always 5 black stitches, with one dc on either side and then a decrease. There is always a hdc in the slip stitch, so its just a matter of filling in the rest with dc.” From sassykat0901 via crochetville

viewed 284 times | helped 2 people
In progress
February 14, 2016
work in progress
About this pattern
322 projects, in 1234 queues
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About this yarn
by Stylecraft
100% Acrylic
322 yards / 100 grams

78521 projects

stashed 58548 times

Franacropan's star rating
  • Originally queued: November 9, 2015
  • Project created: November 11, 2015
  • In progress: November 11, 2015
  • Updated: April 18, 2016
  • Progress updates: 4 updates