Bunny & Squirrel Kids
July 1, 2015
March 25, 2016

Bunny & Squirrel Kids

Project info
Wee Ones Seamless Knit Toys by Susan B. Anderson
squirrel and acorns
NWARA's fundraiser
Needles & yarn

I modified the original pattern to make the bunny ears stand up and with fringe on ends, to look like my Giant Angoras(FuzzyVaughns.com)

Yarn is handspun, hand dyed, Angora/Merino blend.

My first Magenta girl won a blue ribbon at the 2015 NARBC Portland’s WSG contest. It was there where she fell in love with the wild man, Aqua the squirrel. Thirty days later they had babies, a couple squirrels & a couple bunnies. They will make their debut at WCC 2016, in Reno, Nevada. There the kids will be entered in the FFYF contest and then they will be raffled off. The funds raised will be donated to NWARA(NWangora.com)

NW Angora Rabbit Association is dedicated to all angora rabbit breeds, and all angora lovers , whether a breeder, show person, fiber producer, loved family pet, or all of the above! NW Angora Rabbit Association strives to provide educational opportunities, shows, fun days, and fellowship amongst all angora fanciers.

viewed 12 times
July 1, 2015
March 25, 2016
About this pattern
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  • Project created: March 16, 2016
  • Updated: March 25, 2016
  • Progress updates: 2 updates