Festival Shawl
August 21, 2016
October 6, 2016

Festival Shawl

Project info
Festival Shawl by Lyn Robinson
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
shop sample
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
Blue Heron Silk Linen
0.87 skeins = 652.5 yards (596.6 meters)
Yarnivore in San Antonio, Texas

This is a beautiful crochet project that works up fast and I used just under 1 skein of Blue Heron’s Silk Linen. I was ready for a second skein but then realized the lower point of the shawl was already below my bee-hind and the upper points winged to my hands. I love a beautiful yarn on the hook but 2 skeins would’ve been overkill, even for me. :)

Festival is written well but I would have loved charts - they make it easier to find the rhythm of the rows. For a free pattern, I can’t complain though! Kudos to the designer for sharing. :D

Blue Heron’s Silk Linen has a nice texture and typically lovely colors. Because it’s all plant fibers, it has great drape but will stretch over time so plan accordingly.this was another reason I didn’t need to break out another skein :)

viewed 89 times | helped 1 person
August 21, 2016
October 6, 2016
About this pattern
603 projects, in 1611 queues
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About this yarn
by Blue Heron
Light Fingering
65% Silk, 35% Linen / Flax
750 yards

39 projects

stashed 57 times

Fyreball's star rating
  • Project created: August 30, 2016
  • Finished: October 6, 2016
  • Updated: April 30, 2017
  • Progress updates: 2 updates