Frost Flowers & Leaves
April 2010
June 26, 2011

Frost Flowers & Leaves

Project info
Frost Flowers & Leaves by Eugen Beugler
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Misti Alpaca Lace Solids
7.2 skeins = 3146.4 yards (2877.1 meters), 360 grams
Yarnivore in San Antonio, Texas

Gorgeous lace pattern - a challenge to knit but a lovely, lovely piece.

9/30/13 Pics up (finally!) of the finished, blocked work. Between work, school, travel & health, been a long time coming.

First two shots of shawl hanging on our big screen (60” horizontal edge, 36” tall). These pics and the next few are of the piece blocked - after soaking and then stretching, the stitch definition is much clearer. Think of it as pressing - imagine the difference before and after you iron something and you get the idea.

Next four pics are of the work being blocked on our game room carpet, which is 8’x10’ so you have a sense of size. If you block using wires (I strongly suggest you do, it makes it much easier), you’ll need two sets. Each side took 3 wires. If you only have one set, borrow one from a friend - it took less than half a day to dry.

The next pic is of the piece in a pasta pot - I used an extra big one since this piece is HUGE. It kind of felt like angel hair pasta once the fiber had soaked for an hour. Pasta on the brain, who me? :)

The next four are of the finished piece, pre-blocking. THe first of these has the piece again on the big screen tv - if you compare it to the very first pic - same arrangement, just blocked - you can see how much the piece grew in blocking. You can also see the stitching is more three dimensional, it’s still wrinkly and the stitch definition isn’t good yet, just wanted to see it laid out.

Final couple of pics are while work was still on the needles. Seems like forever ago. Oh, wait… it was!

Last picture is of all the dang stitch markers. If you’re a newbie to lace (or even experienced), I strongly recommend you use stitch markers to keep the pattern straight. I think this is the most stitch markers I’ve used on a single project. Quite a tidy little pile.

For those of you who haven’t blocked lace before, a couple of tips. I usually soak my work for an hour or so, long enough to make sure the fibers are good and wet. I then roll it up in beach towels until it’s damp, not wet. This piece, because of its size, took 6 towels. I started off by laying the piece on one towel, covered it with another, then rolled it up and steps on it till the towel was soaked. Repeat - 2x - and then laid out the piece for blocking.

6/26/11 WHOOT! Finished the edge with 1 1/4 oz/34 g left on the final ball. Also left me with 2 extra hanks of Misti Alpaca in the stash. Need to block as new lace is very 3D with stitches all wrinkly like a new baby ;0. pics coming soon!!! Absolutely loved working with this yarn - soft and comfortable, even in the south Texas record-breaking heat we’re having. Meanwhile, husband (DH) is asking that I try a new hobby. Seems he’s tired of me always saying, let me finish this row….

6/19/11 3/4 done with the edging and have already had to splice another ball of yarn. If you’re a first time lace knitter, it can be deceiving how much yarn you’ll go through on the outer rows and then on the edging. I’m falling in love all over again with this pattern as it reveals itself bit by bit. It’s been scrunched up on short circs for so long that I’ve not gotten a good look at it in ages. Now that it’s almost free, I’m so pleased - and it’s not even blocked yet!

6/1/11 Started the edging. This is the hardest part - takes forever and also harder to keep from dropping stitches while knitting on the go. I’ve found that rubber bands around the main circs (that hold the body) and around the dpns holding the edge are the best way. Unfortunately, it makes a production out of doing some quick knitting while I wait at the doctor’s or in the car (while my husband, not me, drives!). I’m also now paranoid as can be that something will happen to my magnus opus so I’m very careful to put away my work in a cupboard at night - the dogs aren’t usually interested but this would be a bad way to find out!

5/24/11 Done with the repeats and working the final chart, then onto edging.

4/19/11 Am nearly through the 5th repeat of Chart 2, so it’s getting BIG. I’m still on small circs, so it’s thick on the cable. Somehow I’ve gotten into the flow and it’s nearly mindless knitting except for the first row of Chart 2 where you shift the entire pattern over by about 1/2 (meaning you’ve grown the side parts of the rows and now are adding another repeat within the row (the 34 st repeat in the middle of the row) and now you shift row markers to accommodate). On this one row, you need to count like a CPA to make sure you don’t set up the section wrong but the rest of the rows are pretty easy to follow. :)
I’ve spent most of the spring knitting this one pattern, particularly at my son’s soccer games. I’ll always remember his freshman year of soccer when I wear this!

1/28/11 Been hibernating this and finally decided to rip it back - starting over to see if I can get into the pattern rhythm this time. Just finished Rosalind and ready to start again.

11/2010 Up to row 61; very tricky patterning. For some reason, I can’t get the feel for this so having to constantly check my stitches. Hardest pattern I’ve done so far.
For those of you not familiar with a lifeline - that’s the heavy white yarn running through the middle of the two pics with the dark background. Especially helpful to have a lifeline with a tricky pattern.

4/6/10 Made it to row 49 so far. The pattern gets tricky in this last section, with lots of k2tog and ssks alternating between rows. The parts where you’re building leaves is easier to track for accuracy; I find myself counting repeatedly in the k2tog, ssk areas. Although unblocked, pattern is starting to show up nicely.

4/4/10 Size 5 a little loose, frogged and restarted on size 4s which seem just right. Knit to row 31 last night. LOVING the yarn, very smooth and silky in hand.

4/3/10 2 and 3 needles way too small, actually. Moved up to 5s and swinging right along. There is a jog at row 19 that is a little tricky but think I may have mastered it. Make sure you count your stitches between tricky areas.
Yarn is beautiful to work with.

4/2/10 Casting on. As soon as I can distract DH. :)

viewed 343 times | helped 1 person
April 2010
June 26, 2011
About this pattern
330 projects, in 597 queues
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About this yarn
by Misti Alpaca
100% Alpaca
437 yards / 50 grams

5137 projects

stashed 5972 times

Fyreball's star rating
  • Project created: April 2, 2010
  • Finished: June 26, 2011
  • Updated: December 24, 2013
  • Progress updates: 8 updates