test knit ONPA shawl
October 5, 2014
November 21, 2014

test knit ONPA shawl

Project info
ONPA Shawl by Olga Buraya-Kefelian
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1,095 yards = 5 skeins
Jorstad Creek St Clement
3 skeins = 657.0 yards (600.8 meters)
Jorstad Creek St Clement
2 skeins = 438.0 yards (400.5 meters)

The yarn I used was a lovely hand dye from Jorstadcreek.com. The colors I used were a saturated shade of Teal with a light Gray. The yarn is lovely to knit. It has a nice sheen, drape, and great stitch definition.

I only needed two rows of the second skein of gray. If this hadn’t been a test knit I might have fudged it a little so I wouldn’t of had to use the second skein.


Skill level: Anyone who is comfortable knitting fair isle.

Swatch, Swatch, Swatch! I would encourage knitters to swatch this project. With a shawl it is a temptation to skip this process. I did a swatch for both the stockinette and pattern. For fun I swatched different yarns with different needles until I came up with a fabric I liked.

I knit this as a test knit for Olga. If I was knitting from the final copy of the published pattern I would have printed off the fair isle instructions and marked the rows off as I went. What I did was sit with the computer whenever there was a pattern repeat change, knit the first row and then there would be 7 repeats that I could knit without the computer.


p1tblR Change yo orientation and purl through the front loop

pltb1L: Purl yo through back loop

I’ve knitted many fair isle projects but always in the round. I struggled with purling fair isle. Once I had it down pat it became fun to do!

I used this video to learn how to purl fair isle:


There is a lot of knitting to this project …. so you can’t whip through it in a day or two. Sometimes it felt like it was taking forever to knit! In the end it is so worth it! I LOVE this project and will be wearing this frequently.

viewed 231 times | helped 5 people
October 5, 2014
November 21, 2014
About this pattern
35 projects, in 214 queues
GrandmaQ's overall rating
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GrandmaQ's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Jorstad Creek
50% Merino, 50% Silk
219 yards

20 projects

stashed 13 times

GrandmaQ's star rating
  • Project created: October 24, 2014
  • Finished: November 22, 2014
  • Updated: April 7, 2019
  • Progress updates: 3 updates