2024 Blanket Block Bonanza
January 1, 2024
May 26, 2024

2024 Blanket Block Bonanza

Project info
Hats and More for Refugees Worldwide
40" x 60"
Needles & yarn

1 Feb 2024: Finally, Blanket 1A is done. It is named Indigo, for the happy song by mega-stars Camilo and his wife Evaluna Montaner. No translation needed to understand the theme of the video. Pure bubblegum pop and it’s wonderful.

Qué suerte la mia
Gané sin tocar la loteria
I am so lucky!
I won without even playing the lottery.

11 Feb 2024: 2A is named Slow Poke, by Pee Wee King. The song was going around in my head since I am off to a slow start on this year’s blanket campaign. That got me thinking about Slo Poke candy, and the colors of the 12 variegated squares reminded me of salt water taffy. I had some brown and cream yarns that would work for the edging, a la Cow Tales candy.

24 Feb 2024: 3A is named for the iconic interpretation of Sombras (Shadows), by Javier Solis. He is one of my favorites. This song is a crowd-stopper to this day. I was once waiting to use the crosswalk at a red light in Las Vegas, and I heard this song blasting from a car stereo. Expecting to see a middle-aged driver, I instead found it came from a gorgeous lowrider full of very cool dudes sunglasses who were 18-24 years old. The song only enhanced their image.

Sombras, nada más
Entre tu vida y mi vida
Sombras, nada más,
Entre mi amor y tu amor

Shadows, nothing more
Between your life and mine
Shadows, nothing more
Between your love and mine

3 Mar 2024: Mucho Corazón (So Much Love), by Beny Moré, is the name of 4A. The colors are for a vintage valentine.

The term Mucho Corazón doesn’t translate well into English.

Yo, para querer
No necesito una razón
Me sobra mucho
Pero mucho corazón

For me to love
I don’t need a reason
I have more than enough,
So much love

9 Mar 2024: You will either love 5A or hate it. It is named Stripes, by Johnny Cash.

21 Mar 2024: I am still loving the Beny Moré earworms! 6A is in retro valentine colors, and is named ¿Cómo Fue? (Literally, How Was It? in the sense of “How did it happen?”)

¿Cómo fue?
No sé decirte cómo fue
No se explicarme que pasó
Pero de ti me enamoré

How did it happen?
I don’t know how to tell you how it happened
I don’t know how to explain to myself what happened
But I fell in love with you.

30 March 2024: 7A is Bonito Y Sabroso (Beautiful and Delightful) as sung by Beny Moré. The bright colors say, “Mexico!”

Pero qué bonito y sabroso bailan el mambo los mexicanos
Mueven la cintura y los hombros igualito que los cubanos
Con un sentido del ritmo para bailar y gozar

Oh how beautifully and delightfully the Mexicans dance the mambo.
They move their waist and shoulders just like the Cubans.
With a sense of rhythm, to dance and enjoy.

4 April 2024: 8A has the colors of the dress Natalia Lafourcade is wearing in the video Tu Sí Sabes Quererme (You Know How to Love Me).

Ha pasado tanto tiempo
Finalmente descubrí tus besos
Me enredaste en tu mirada
Me abrazaste con todos mis defectos

So much time went by
Finally I have found your kisses
You tangled me in your gaze
You embraced me with all of my flaws

7 April 2024: 9A is my mother’s favorite color, blue, and has squares I made with blue yarn from her stash. She was named Patricia. The only earworm possible is Patricia by Perez Prado.

10 April 2024: The colors of 10A are the river, bridge, flowers, trees and the beautiful dark-skinned woman who walked the path in La Flor de La Canela (Cinnamon Flower), as sung by the one and only Pedro Vargas. One of my favorites, in part because of the images it conjures while I listen:

Déjame que te cuente, limeña
Let me tell you, oh woman from Lima
Ahora que aún perfuma el recuerdo
Even now she still fills my memory with her scent
Ahora que aún se mece en un sueño
Even now she gently sways in the dream
El viejo puente del río y la alameda
(Of the) Old bridge, the river, and the poplar grove

Del puente a la alameda menudo pie la lleva
From the bridge to the poplar grove, her small feet take her
Por la vereda que se estremece al ritmo de su cadera
Down the path, which trembles to the rhythm in her hips
Recogía la risa de la brisa del río
She gathered the laughter carried by the river breeze
Y al viento la lanzaba del puente a la alameda
And threw it to the wind from the bridge to the poplar grove

17 Apr 2024: 11A is named Soledad Y El Mar (Solitude and The Sea) by Natalia Lafourcade. I just cannot get enough of her! The colors are for her dress in the video and the sea that is heard at the end. The two guitar players at the table are the legendary Los Macorinos.

En el canto de las olas
In the song of the waves
Encontré un rumor de luz
I found a rumor of light

Por un canto de gaviotas
From the song of the seagulls
Supe que allí estabas tú
I knew that you had been there

Despidiendo últimamente
Finally saying goodbye
Todo lo que sucedió
To everything that happened
Hoy, saludo mi presente
Today I greet the present
Y gusto de este dulce adiós
And enjoy this sweet goodbye

21 April 2024: 12A is Piel Canela (Cinnamon Skin), as performed by the iconic Trio Los Panchos and Eydie Gormé. This song is an absolute classic.

Si perdiera el arco iris su belleza,
Y las flores su perfume y su color,
No seria tan inmensa mi tristeza
Como aquella de quedarme sin tu amor.

If the rainbow were to lose its beauty,
And the flowers their perfume and their color,
My sadness wouldn’t be as immense
As that from being left without your love.

Me importas tú, y tú, y tú
Y solamente tú, y tú, y tú,
Me importas tú, y tú, y tú,
Y nadie mas que tú.

What matters to me is you, you, and you
And only you, you, and you
What matters to me is you, you, you,
And no one else but you.

Ojos negros, piel canela
Que me llegan a desesperar.

Dark eyes, cinnamon skin
That drive me crazy!

25 Apr 2024: 13A is Tatuajes (Tattoos) by Joan Sebastian.

I have tattoos of your kisses all over my body
Tatuajes de tus besos llevo en todo mi cuerpo
Tattooed over time, the time I knew you
Tatuados sobre el tiempo, el tiempo que te conocí
I became addicted to seeing your eyes, breathing your breath
Se me vició ver tus ojos, respirar tu aliento
I’m leaving but I carry you inside of me
Me voy pero te llevo dentro de mi

4 May 2024: 14A and 15A are rare opportunities for a squarista where there were enough coordinating squares from one maker to have planned blankets. (Thank you, shemakeshats for the granny squares!!) Since there’s two blankets that coordinate, the earworm is Tacos for Two by Lalo Guerrero.

8 May 2024: 16A is Bote de Vela (Sailboat) by Julio Jaramillo.
En un bote de vela, a la mar me tiro,
In a sailboat I launched out to sea
Que me lleve el viento, muy lejos contigo
May the wind take me far away with you
En un bote de vela, sin marca y compás
In a sailboat, without marking the compass
rumbo no se donde, quiero naufragar
Headed who knows where, I want to get shipwrecked

12 May 2024: 17A is named Smooth Operator by Sade. The colors were smooth together, so what else could it be?

17 May 2024: 18A is Flor de Dalia (Dalia Blossom) by my beloved Don Antonio Aguilar, who also wrote the lyrics.

Esta canción se llama Flor De Dalia
This song is named Dahlia Blossom
Y fue compuesta en jardines de fragancia
And was composed in gardens full of fragrance
Pero chatita en ti pongo mi esperanza
But chatita in you I put my hopes
Te quiero mucho y te doy mi corazon (bis)
I love you so much and give you my heart (2x)

20 May 2024: 19A reminds me of the colors of things mentioned in Among My Souvenirs as sung by the incredible Marty Robbins.

26 May 2024: 20A, the final acrylic blanket assembled by me this campaign, is called Let’s Go Out With a Bang, by AJR.

Thank you to the square makers and cheerleaders in the Hats and More for Refugees Worldwide group. See you in January 2025!

5 June 2024: Wool blanket 21 is named Wooly Bully. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

12 June 2024: Wool blanket 24. These colors had a retro feel that gave the immediate earworm of one of my favorite songs, Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac.

viewed 146 times
January 1, 2024
May 26, 2024
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: February 1, 2024
  • Finished: May 26, 2024
  • Updated: July 12, 2024
  • Progress updates: 3 updates