Starry Night
December 22, 2013
June 8, 2014

Starry Night

Project info
Rock Island by Jared Flood
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
me Me ME!!!
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Ewetopia Maple Ridge Lace
1 skein = 850.0 yards (777.2 meters), 100 grams
Michigan Fiber Festival

My pattern notes contain a chart insert to add 1 row of clusters to the edging and instructions on where I inserted them.

Finished and blocked! Loved this pattern. the edging seamed endless, but once I was done with it I cruised along and had the rest finished in no time!

The Rock Island chart is really small. It is an easy to memorize pattern but the chart shows both the left and the right side of the shawl. To make it larger I enlarged it and did a screen shot cropping out all but one half including the spine. the chart is much larger I just work to the spine stitches and than back again. I really only need to reference it on the stitches next to the decreases.

It also helped me to track across the pattern if I drew lines connecting the edge and spine stitches to the body of the pattern. My eyes don’t like to track across blank spaces well.

Finallly finished the edging.I’m really glad I used the beads for counting because that way I could just knit away and not worry about keeping track of the 71 repeats… I just kept knitting till the beads ran out and was done.

When picking up edge stitches I used a marker every 20 stitches for counting purposes which came. In handy when checking stitch counts

I have frogged because I decided I really wanted to add one star burst to the edging. I have added a photo of the insert chart. I inserted the chart directly after the 2nd stitch in the edging chart. yo, k2tog, insert chart.

The star burst is a 4 row repeat, so you get 2 star bursts per edging pattern repeat.

the chart adds an additional 7 stitches to the cast on stitches. So if you add this you will need to co 19 stitches instead of 12.

I will add photos of the edging w/the additional stitches later when I get more fabric made

this yarn reminds me of starry night so I want to bead it so it has stars.

Take a highlighter and mark your directional stitches on the grey rows (at least on the edging) to give yourself a mental queue that the instructions are reversed for those stitches so you have to do the opposite of what the chart is telling you… grey / = left leaning decrease.

For the edging I strung 72 beads. I am sliding one bead up per pattern repeat onto a random YO. I want the beads to look more scattered than placed. That and I can keep track of which repeat I’m on by using 1 bead per repeat.

viewed 869 times | helped 10 people
December 22, 2013
June 8, 2014
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Ewetopia
100% Merino
825 yards / 115 grams

181 projects

stashed 232 times

GsCraftsNthings' star rating
  • Originally queued: May 5, 2012
  • Project created: December 22, 2013
  • Finished: June 8, 2014
  • Updated: February 22, 2016
  • Progress updates: 4 updates