Legend of Zelda blanket
September 2011
November 2013

Legend of Zelda blanket

Project info
Hooks & yarn
3.5 mm (E)
2,520 yards = 14 skeins
Per Tryving PT2
2 skeins = 360.0 yards (329.2 meters), 100 grams
Garnhuset Fredrikstad AS in Fredrikstad, Ostfold
Per Tryving PT2
1 skein = 180.0 yards (164.6 meters), 50 grams
Garnhuset Fredrikstad AS in Fredrikstad, Ostfold
Per Tryving PT2
5 skeins = 900.0 yards (823.0 meters), 250 grams
Garnhuset Fredrikstad AS in Fredrikstad, Ostfold
Per Tryving PT2
1 skein = 180.0 yards (164.6 meters), 50 grams
Garnhuset Fredrikstad AS in Fredrikstad, Ostfold
Per Tryving PT2
3 skeins = 540.0 yards (493.8 meters), 150 grams
Garnhuset Fredrikstad AS in Fredrikstad, Ostfold
Per Tryving PT2
2 skeins = 360.0 yards (329.2 meters), 100 grams
Garnhuset Fredrikstad AS in Fredrikstad, Ostfold

Inspired by Geges Super Mario Bros Blanket, I’m making a Legend of Zelda-blanket for my hubby. Haven’t quite figured out how it will look like, or how I am going to execute it, but it beginning to look like something. And the ideas are flowing!

June 1st, 2013
Here you have it, my masterpiece! :D
EDIT: I have totally lost track of the yarn. I have no idea how many colors or how many skeins I have used. I think the whole thing was about 4 kg, which means something like 80 skeins of yarn. My tip to you who want to make a project like this: don’t. Just don’t!

May 1st, 2013
OMG. I am actually DONE with all the panels! I have crocheted the whole thing together as well, but it is hard to take a good picture… I am going to put a fabric on the back, and eventually I will show you the whole glory :D

April 1st, 2013
I really, really wish I could be finished now. One more panel to go, and then I am putting this thing together! Can’t wait!

March 1st, 2013
I almost made this panel TWICE. When I was at row 72 (of total 83), I figured out the bushes was too close, and I took the whole thing apart. Just that took an hour. I think it was worth it, though! I have an inflammation in my crochetarm, and that is why I think it only will be two more small panels, and maybe a border.

February 1st, 2013
I am so happy with my newest creation, Link in the cave to get his bow. Actually, it is the panel I am happiest with yet :) I also have bought a new crochet hook, so now I have a long one and a cabled one!

January 1st, 2013
Happy new year everybody! This will hopefully be the year when I am super productive, and new panels will just come. I have made a small one ready, and I have taken some artistic liberty. 100 rupees? Yep!

December 1st, 2012
It’s just so much to do in November, like planning for Christmas, and planning for Christmas. I don’t think the progress will be any better in December, but one more panel will at least be ready to show next year!

November 1st, 2012
I am actually DONE with the big panel! I haven’t measured it, but I think it’s about 120 cm long. I have got a few more ideas for small panels, so I will hopefully be productive throughout the winter.

October 1st, 2012
I really thought the big panel would be finished by now, but no. The beauty measures 217 (!) rows and magical 100 cm. I am also done with all the details, so the rest should be fast!

September 1st, 2012
The big panel is really coming together. I actually hoped that I would be done by now (too wishful?), but I had forgot how much color work the “branches” were :/ It now measures 86 cm, and I’m getting close to row no 200. It will be 250 total, and about one grillion ends to weave in. Wish me luck with the rest!

August 1st, 2012
Two more of the smaller panels are done, and I am just so happy! I get new ideas for more panels all the time, but I still would like suggestions from you guys as well :) Hopefully, there will just be two more months until the first big panel is complete.

July 1st, 2012
Well, time is just flying by. I have worked really fast and very much to complete as much as possible on the big panel, and I think it looks good! I have some nearly finished smaller panels, so next month you’ll see those!

June 1st, 2012
Lord, have I been waiting for this day! I have completed one of the smaller panels (34 cm wide, 37 cm long), and I am so happy with it! They are just so much faster to make (took me about two weeks)! I think I have decided to make two gigantic panels, and a whole lot of small ones. Maybe 30. We’ll see!

May 1st, 2012
As you can see, I’ve completed the “push start button”-text. The blanket is 93 cm wide, and (for now) 32 cm long. I put my iPhone there so you get an idea of the size. I was thinking about adding photos the 1st every month, so next photo will be june 1st. Stay tuned!

viewed 652 times
September 2011
November 2013
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Per Tryving
100% Wool
180 yards / 50 grams

3341 projects

stashed 1788 times

Guro123's star rating
  • Project created: February 19, 2012
  • Finished: November 29, 2013
  • Updated: January 29, 2019
  • Progress updates: 6 updates