Aeolian Wine - Shawl 2 of 10
January 20, 2010
March 9, 2010

Aeolian Wine - Shawl 2 of 10

Project info
Aeolian Shawl by Elizabeth Freeman
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
DyeForYarn Lace Tussah Silk
1.13 skeins = 858.8 yards (785.3 meters), 113 grams

37g of yarn left ;-). Not sure about the blocking: I really like it this way and I think it also fits the pattern but I also like the original way of blocking where more emphasis lies on the edging.

Changes are:

In the transition between yucca and agave: used the bunnyears stitch in combination with yo to make the two yo lines symmetrically sprouting from the starting yo line.

In the agave: did a 5stitch nupps in the middle of the first two beads instead of beads ; used in the 3rd and 4th right side row only k2tog and ssk and decrease the two stitch in the following wrongside.

In the final agave: introduced a third yarn over line (s2k1psso in between) with a 5 stitch nup at the end.

In the edging: only used nupps on some parts of it and skipped the last right and last wrong side row of the edging with some small adjustments.

Changed a bit in the agave chart and will also change some things in the edging. hopes not to run out of yarn

nupps are a pain with silk but are beautiful and actually not so difficult with another method to knit them, but still time consuming.

Hand dyed with Ashford acid dyes.

viewed 1459 times | helped 8 people
January 20, 2010
March 9, 2010
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by DyeForYarn
100% Tussah
760 yards / 100 grams

4134 projects

stashed 5412 times

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  • Project created: January 20, 2010
  • Finished: March 9, 2010
  • Updated: November 10, 2010
  • Progress updates: 8 updates