Discovered a dropped stitch about halfway down the right front. I’m not sure how that happened, since the stitch count was evidently fine in the pattern sections following - I think I must have dropped a stitch while knitting two together.
I had to try to find a way to darn the extra loop in using a random short piece of wool…
Four eyelet rows and two decreases completed on the back piece - I originally tried to start off on the back, but couldn’t work out how to decrease in pattern, so restarted on the right front, where they give you instructions on how to manage the first side-edge decrease! By now I have worked out how to keep it consistent by eye.
Back panel completed up to yoke. Five sets of eyelets done on left front.
Two inches done on first sleeve - those sleeve pieces are huge!
Reached start of sleevetop decreases for second sleeve. The only thing to be said for these giant sleeve pieces is that at least they are straight, so ripping them back after an error is relatively simple!
Apparently I managed to knit three sleeves - no wonder it seemed to be taking so long!
The yoke is 186 stitches across and is a squash to fit into a single needle. Note that the rib starts /and/ ends k2 - it is not an equal number of knit and purl columns.
Using a 3mm hook for the picots in line with the decreased knitting needle size (original pattern suggests a size 9 hook, which would be 3.5mm).
Made 4ch loops for the three buttonholes at the top of the right front.
Neck and cuff picots complete. I used 72g of wool, which is rather more than the 2oz suggested in the pattern.
Lots more wool used up making cords and tassels for the wrists and neck! I sewed on three little vintage buttons to finish.