double knit Persian dreams snowflakes
In progress
May 14, 2024
work in progress

double knit Persian dreams snowflakes

Project info
Persian Dreams Expansion Pack by Jenise Hope
Needles & yarn

June 1, 2024

Raised bindoff like this:

Ideas for hexes.
7, 19, 33, 48 #29 on deck, 10, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 19, 20, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 24, 41, 45, 47,

Start directions. Work the 45-row charts!

Using Felici fingering bare until I run out, then I’ll switch to Stroll fingering bare. The Glimmer is already a Stroll, so they should all match up fairly seamlessly. If Felici fingering bare comes back into stock, I’ll buy some more, but it is unavailable at this point.

Using DPN 2.75 mm needles (must be 2.75 mm), circular cast on main color, KNIT in the round the first few rows that are a single color.
Next, using DPN 2.75 mm needles, circular cast on the CC, PURL the first few rows that are single color.
Cast on is row 1, casting on 18 in the round.

Load all stitches to DPNs alternating between MC and CC. The fabric will have all knits on the outside, all purls touching in the middle.

For increases, as per the chart, do yarn over at the end of the chart (left hand side, end of panel). Don’t yarn over for the right-hand side increases. On the next row, correct the yarn over loads and knit the one on the left. Take up the slack when you knit the last stitch. For the next panel, where you are working the increase for the right hand increase, it doesn’t exist…just do a M1R/M1L appropriately. The yarn for this increase will partially come from the yarn over before the stitch marker, the one at the end of the left-hand side of the panel. This keeps the increases and rays of the hexes from becoming floppy, since you don’t have two lengths of yarn overs, just one that is shared.

When double knit colorwork starts, YOU MUST CHANGE to 2.0 mm needles. That’s because the transfer of use of color between the front and back panels makes for floppier stitches. Going down needle sizes firms this up and makes the stitch patterns more consistent with the stitches of the 2.75mm single-color knitting.

If you need to unnipple the center, try using a smaller needle size for those first few rows of single color knitting.

June 8, 2024

Chart #7 is complete.

June 10, 2024

Started chart #19.

June 16, 2024

Chart #19 completed. Started Chart #33.

Production note: Chart #3, row 15 took 10 minutes to knit.

June 17, 2024

Chart #33, working on row 23.
Row 31 took 19 minutes.

June 29, 2024

A few rows left to knit on #33.
Cast on for #48.

July 3, 2024

#33 complete

July 28, 2024

#48 is complete.

#29 is on row 20.

viewed 18 times | helped 1 person
In progress
May 14, 2024
work in progress
About this pattern
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  • Project created: May 21, 2024
  • In progress: May 21, 2024
  • Updated: Today
  • Progress updates: 2 updates