stained glass dish towels
June 26, 2022
August 12, 2022

stained glass dish towels

Project info
Tools and equipment
7.5-dent rigid heddle
Ashford 28-inch
12.5-dent rigid heddle

Warp pattern:
10 black ends
10 color then 5 black (times 10 repeats)
10 color
10 black ends

Total warp ends:
110 color
70 black

Weft: all black

Warping 90 ends for stained glass, using scrappies. All Comfy worsted or Dishie worsted. 9-yard warp.

Various patterns for each towel:
free waffle weave blanket pattern (Gist Yarn, PDF)
waffle weave (Kelly Casanova pattern, PDF)
1/5 warp floats (Kelly Casanova pattern, PDF)
1/3 warp floats (random pattern)


Color warp complete.

Waiting on Knit Picks order for the black yarn.


Hibernating while I wait for the black yarn to arrive.


Black warp is chained up. When loom is empty, I will warp onto the loom.

Towel #1

I’m warping this onto the loom with three heddles and one pickup stick.

Towel #1 complete.

Towel #2

Started with 1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 warp pattern and same picks for weft. Three-shaft.

Towel #3 (completed 07/26/22)

1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 warp
Pick 1: 2
Pick 2: 1, 3
Pick 3: 1
Pick 4: 2
Pick 5: 3
Pick 6: 1
Pick 7: 1
Pick 8: 3
Pick 9: 2
Pick 10: 1
Pick 11: 1,3
Pick 12: 2
Pick 13: 3
Pick 14: 3

Towel #4 (completed 7/27/22)

1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 warp
Maurice Brassard boucle cotton held triple, peacock weft

Pick 1: 1
Pick 2: 2
Pick 3: 3
Pick 4: 1
Pick 5: 3
Pick 6: 2
Pick 7: 1
Pick 8: 3
Pick 9: 2
Pick 10: 1
Pick 11: 3

Towel #5 (completed 7/27/22)

1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 warp

Pick 1: 3
Pick 2: 1
Pick 3: 2
Pick 4: 1

Towel #6 (completed 7/28/22)

1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 warp

Pick 1: 1
Pick 2: 2
Pick 3: 3

Towel #7 (completed 08/06/2022)

1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 warp

Pick 1: 1
Pick 2: 1,2
Pick 3: 3
Pick 4: 2,3

Towel #8 (completed 8/10/2022)

1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 warp

Pick 1: 2
Pick 2: 1,3
Pick 3: 1
Pick 4: 2
Pick 5: 3

using remaining warp, two dishcloths

Using draft #6 and scraps for weft.

unwinding video

Click here for unwinding video

viewed 132 times
June 26, 2022
August 12, 2022
  • Project created: June 27, 2022
  • Updated: August 13, 2022
  • Progress updates: 5 updates