Easter Egg Dye Headband Kerchief
April 17, 2017
April 18, 2017

Easter Egg Dye Headband Kerchief

Project info
Headband Kerchief by Lena Mathisson
Other HeadwearKerchief
Needles & yarn

Yarn is the undyed yarn from the April 2017 small Beanie Bags from Jimmy Beans Wool.

I wound the yarn into small hanks (wrapped from my hand to elbow) and soaked them in tepid water. I then laid the hanks in a microwave safe Pyrex dish without removing any water and dribbled leftover Easter egg dye in lines over the hanks. Microwaved the yarns in the dish in 30 second intervals until the liquid in the bottom of the dish was mostly clear. I let the hanks cool and then I rinsed them under more tepid water and let them dry.

I modified the pattern slightly by not using any twisted stitches in the ribbed border, only along the kerchief edging. I shortened the ribbing section and I also added some additional decreases on the wrong side so that I wouldn’t run out of yarn. The Beanie Bag skeins were supposed to be 25 yards each, but I was left with about 2 yards of yarn and eliminated about sixteen rows in the triangle and four in the ribbing, so overall this pattern would take me more than 75 yards at full size.

viewed 20 times
April 17, 2017
April 18, 2017
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  • Project created: April 18, 2017
  • Updated: April 18, 2017