Used Notokaybot crochetvpattern as guide for body.
Made base with knitted flat circle pattern -
Found plastic tubes for leg core. Need to cover and stuff with relevant knitted tube.
Glue plastic tube to tea-light holder (see pic 5 )
Knit basic circle (link to pattern
LEGS - make 4
Cast on 30
K 4 rows
K 2 rows SS
Change to contrast colour
K 2 rows SS
Change to MC
K 2 rows SS
Change to contrast colour
K 2 rows SS
Change to MC
K 2 rows SS
Increase 3 sts at both ends of next row
K 4 rows
Cast off, join side seam
Attach to BASE circle
Stuff, and insert leg and foot.
Cast on 64
K 4 rows
Join in round, place marker
K every round until 6”
ADD facial expression
Decrease 2 sts every round until 15 sts.
Insert end of yarn through each stitch. Pull tight
Leave small gap
Make i-cord on 3 sts.
Cast off.
Fold top over 2 times, stitch into place.
Insert pipe cleaner or garden wire. Bind off, covering wire.
Insert antenna into top gap. Close gap.
Stuff body.
Attatch base and legs to bottom of robot.
ETA 02 April 2018
Construction is very difficult when needing a knitted object ti stand unaided. With the use of stuffing, plastic tubes, and tea-light holiders, Notokaybot (knitted version) requires a bit of tidying up with embroidery where the various parts are anchored together.
Revision of knitting instructions will follow when TestNotokaybot is finished.