Tulips & Rosebuds Baby Blanket
September 5, 2024
December 29, 2024

Tulips & Rosebuds Baby Blanket

Project info
Tulips & Rosebuds Baby Blanket (CH51) by Eugen Beugler
BlanketBaby Blanket
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino
none left in stash
9.5 skeins = 1298.7 yards (1187.5 meters), 475 grams
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts
August 24, 2024

Used long tail cast on.

Deep thanks to jjeuch for the warnings of the errors in the pattern. It means a lot that people take the time and effort to pass along such vital information. It’s one of the things that makes Ravelry such an invaluable resource.

I did 19 rows of twisted seed stitch instead of 12 so that the width of the top and bottom edges will be the same as the widths of the twisted seed stitch sides.

I put markers between the sections of the tulip chart including the repeated sections. I wasted a lot of time when the markers needed to move, on the second row of the chart, no less, rather than remembering that the pattern says “stitch count in Tulip Border will vary from row to row.” C’mon, Hilary!!!

To keep the pattern correct, I’m counting the stitches in each section as I do the purl (even) rows so I catch mistakes early.

Pay attention to the charts. In the last row of the bottom tulip chart, the repeated middle section
results in 23 stitches per section while the side sections, from which the side tulip chart will progress, have 19 stitches each. Two and 1/4 rows of tinking is my penance for not paying attention.

It is actually necessary to count the stitches in each section on both the right side, when you have just knit it, and on the wrong side, to make sure it’s correct. This prevents rather heinous tinking (due to the slip1, k2tog, psso stitches.

The chart I put in the pictures is the row number for each row in the side tulip chart so you can use one row counter and know where you should be in the chart. The yellow row numbers are rows where you will start the 5-rosebud chart . The orange row numbers are rows where you will start the four-rosebud chart. The chart takes you through row 223, which is when you need to see the written instructions for the last two rows before the top tulip portion.

ERRATA: You decrease on the final row of the center section. The pattern says to end up with 99 stitches, but you need 100 stitches for the 5 tulip sections of the border. So decrease 2 fewer times.

viewed 20 times | helped 1 person
September 5, 2024
December 29, 2024
About this pattern
276 projects, in 489 queues
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HilaryWithOneL's clarity rating
HilaryWithOneL's difficulty rating
HilaryWithOneL's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Beautiful
  2. Gorgeous
  3. Some Lace
About this yarn
by Debbie Bliss
55% Merino, 33% Microfiber, 12% Cashmere goat
137 yards / 50 grams

51677 projects

stashed 30401 times

HilaryWithOneL's star rating
HilaryWithOneL's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Warm
  2. Soft
  3. Machine washable
  • Project created: September 5, 2024
  • Updated: March 19, 2025
  • Progress updates: 3 updates