Juliette Poncholette
April 29, 2015
May 1, 2015

Juliette Poncholette

Project info
Juliette Shawl by Dora Ohrenstein
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Juliette (really!)
Hooks & yarn
3.5 mm (E)
Misti Alpaca Pima Silk Hand Paint
none left in stash
1 skein = 327.0 yards (299.0 meters), 100 grams
Knitwits By Yarn Haus
February 24, 2015

I’ve been wanting to make this pattern becsuse, well heck it’s like it was named for me! And I’ve been wanting a lacy summer poncho. Then I thought - why not combine the two! Also I don’t have much yarn so this should be a little more yarn-economical. I’m calling it a “poncholette” because it will likely be on the small side due to one one skein. And because that rhymes with “Juliette” and that amuses me greatly ;)

April 29
To make a poncho instead of a shawl I am eliminating part 1, & starting with part 2 at round 12. I am making two corners for a trapezoid shape. I am doing FSC to begin my neck edge, 120 st start with 20 shells. We’ll see how far I get with my yarn!

April 30
At chart row 19 (my row 8) I’ve decided to do 6 chains between clusters, as it is getting a little tight.

On chart row 24, it was too tight just at the bottom edge when I tried it on. I will rip out row 24 & do 7 chains in lieu of 6 for the shell spaces. Really hope I have enough yarn to do three rounds of shells. 4 would be better but I highly doubt that is possible. Then I plan to block the ever-living heck out of it!

May 1
Happy May Day!! Finished 3rd row of big shells. Love how it looks, just like I wanted! I wonder if I have enough yarn for a 4th row….it will be close I think. I will try & see what happens I guess!

I had enough yarn to do all but the last three shells of the final (5th) shell row! After styling it several ways, I totally think I can live with it like this. I’m so happy to have (most of) the 5th row! It looks fabulous, just what I wanted. Grabbed a few quick selfies, hope I can get some good pics soon tho!

viewed 127 times | helped 2 people
April 29, 2015
May 1, 2015
About this pattern
29 projects, in 37 queues
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About this yarn
by Misti Alpaca
83% Pima, 17% Silk
327 yards / 100 grams

1709 projects

stashed 1528 times

HoopskirtLady's star rating
  • Originally queued: March 16, 2015
  • Project created: April 30, 2015
  • Finished: May 1, 2015
  • Updated: November 18, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates