Sea Green Dreams
April 6, 2015
May 7, 2015

Sea Green Dreams

Project info
Ogee Sweater by Dora Ohrenstein
38" (M)
Hooks & yarn
3.5 mm (E)
HD Fingering
3 skeins = 1275.0 yards (1165.9 meters), 297 grams
10 mile fiber

April 6
Been looking for the right yarn for this sweater for a while. This dreamy yarn is perfect! It’s very pretty with good stitch definition for the crossed stitches. But boy, I’ve become spoiled by winter projects using worsted or DK wt yarn - it feels like it’s going slowly!

April 7
Up to round 16. At around round 12 I realized that I had been crossing one pair of stitches the wrong way. By the time I saw it I had been mis-crossing them for 5 rounds! I decided I didn’t want to frog half my work, as it really doesn’t seem that noticeable (see photo) - at this point it’s more overall texture. But a lesson to be careful, as I’m looing at the row below to see which way to cross, a mistake is easily propagated forward!

April 8
Uh-oh…. Realized at round 23 I was supposed to start turning my work after each round back at round 14….said so quite plainly in the instructions, I just missed it. I bet that would cut down on the biasing, and ensure the sleeve looks like the rest of the sweater worked back-n-forth. So….do I frog or carry on? For the moment I’m going to carry on a few rounds for a visual comparison, then decide.
Ugh, I shouldn’t crochet late at night half asleep. Except that’s my only time to crochet!!!

April 11
Happy Bobmus!
Finished right front. On to the back!
I did add a pair of short rows between the two CP’s on lapel row 5, for some extra bust room.

April 12
Half finished with right back. There seems to be an unnecessary ch3 at the start of row 2 - you have slip stitched up the edge of your other piece, this serves as the ‘turning chain’.

I decided to break my yarn after the first back row, & switch to my 3rd ball - it has a few more white spots than the other two. This way my fronts will look consistent, and so will my back, and hopefully the slight color variation won’t be too noticeable.

April 20
This has been back-burnered due to getting swamped with work and life :( I miss working on it! But I have managed to finish the right back. I added two extra rows to CB. I also decreased a few stitches at the back neck for neck room. By weight it appears to have used slightly less than half of the 2nd ball, so so far so good! I went back & used up the little bit left of ball one to lengthen my right sleeve. Was able to add exactly 7 more rows, and ended with 1” of yarn! After I finish the left side I may add more, we’ll see. For now right side is DONE!! Woo!! On to left!

April 27
Finished 2nd sleeve.

April 28
Up to lapel shaping. This seems to go so much faster once you get to working in rows instead of rounds….

May 2
Took a wee break to make a shawl.
Finished lapel, added rows to sleeve as for right, thru 6 rows of back. May finish tomorrow? Realized I was mis-counting & I’ve only added one extra row to the right back so far.

May 3
Finished left back! Test fit seems promising. Want to add more length to sleeves, then blocking time!!!

May 5
Finished! Added rows to cuffs of both sleeves until I ran out of yarn. With blocking they should be full-length. I’ll weave ends & block it tomorrow, too late tonight.

November 6, 2023

Debating frogging this. I’ve gained weight & it doesn’t fit anymore. And I love the yarn so seems a shame to have it lingering in the cedar chest…I think I’ll leave it go until a project comes up I want the yarn for.

viewed 321 times | helped 1 person
April 6, 2015
May 7, 2015
About this pattern
12 projects, in 26 queues
HoopskirtLady's overall rating
HoopskirtLady's clarity rating
HoopskirtLady's difficulty rating
  • Originally queued: July 18, 2014
  • Project created: April 6, 2015
  • Finished: May 9, 2015
  • Updated: November 6, 2023
  • Progress updates: 5 updates