Tunisian Shell Shawl
February 14, 2015
March 15, 2015

Tunisian Shell Shawl

Project info
Tunisian Shell Shawl by Elena Fedotova
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Hooks & yarn
693 yards
Knit Picks Stroll Fingering Solids, Heathers, Tonals & Twists
none left in stash
1 skein = 231.0 yards (211.2 meters), 50 grams
Knit Picks
Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted
none left in stash
1 skein = 462.0 yards (422.5 meters), 100 grams
Knit Picks
November 2013

Joining in the CAL in the Cup of Stitches group. Should be fun, I love tunisian!!

Feb 14
Had to rip out my first start - starting chain was way too right, and I typically chain loosely! Re-did with size 7 hook. Wish I could have gone up more, but out of town & that was the only other one I had on me. Much better though!

Feb 15
Three rows done. I like the way the reverse looks better than the face with the handpainted yarn, so I’m using that as the front! I’ll use the proper right side for the teal rows, I like the the texture effect.

To make the teal shells look nicer at the top, I’m changing the way the final row of a shell is done, and working around the top loops instead of into them on that joining row. It makes a nice row of chain-effect across the whole top of the shell, instead of just half. It looks more symmetric across the reverse too. I think I will do every row this way instead. Since I’m changing face & reverse 2 out of three rows, it does affect the appearance in a big way.

Feb 25
Past the 1/2 way point, by shell count. 1/2 through row 7.

Mar 1
Almost finished row 9 (11 shells) - it’s all downhill from here! Should finish this weekend on a road trip.

Mar 5
Oh no!!!! I’m going to run out of yarn!!! My gauge must be off, because the pattern said I should have needed 400 yds of the tree fort color, and the hank was supposed to be 460. But I’m halfway thru the row of seven shells, and don’t see how I will possibly have enough to finish. Guessing I’ll be begging for scraps in the KP groups.

Mar 15
An angel (niabia) shared some tree fort with me so I could finish! Crocheting done, just need to weave ends & block! I added two rows of sc in the tranquil to even out the starting chain & use up the tranquil. Not sure if I like it tho….after its blocked I may frog it.

Mar 16
Went for a slight crescent shape.

Last 7 pictures - detail of final shell row when working into reverse side. (Starting after image of balls of yarn)

Photo 1
Ready to work final row. Hook is pointing to top of first stitch of next shell - DO NOT skip as you would in standard final shell row. Insert your hook into this stitch.

Photo 2
Do not yo yet / instead bring your hook BACK OUT in the next stitch (as in a front post single crochet)

Photo 3
Now yo & pull up a loop

Photo 4
Stitch completed as per project instructions.
The stitch top you hook came OUT of the last time is the space you go back IN to for the next stitch.

Photo 5
Hook in/out of the next pair of stitches, ready to pull of the next loop.

Photo 6
Hook in/out of the final pair of stitches, ready to pull up the loop for the final stitch of the closing row.

Photo 7
’Right’ side after row complete. You can see how these stitches add little wraps around each stitch top, similar to what happens on the other side of the shell, when you pull up the loops for the first row of the next shell in the standard way.

viewed 288 times | helped 2 people
February 14, 2015
March 15, 2015
About this pattern
60 projects, in 159 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
75% Merino, 25% Nylon
231 yards / 50 grams

82130 projects

stashed 60336 times

HoopskirtLady's star rating
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
75% Merino, 25% Nylon
462 yards / 100 grams

21302 projects

stashed 20049 times

HoopskirtLady's star rating
  • Project created: February 12, 2015
  • Updated: March 16, 2015
  • Progress updates: 6 updates