Leaves of Grass
December 24, 2011
January 7, 2012

Leaves of Grass

Project info
Leaves of Grass by Jared Flood
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Taito Pirkanmaa Ohut Pirkkalanka
254 yards in stash
3.42 skeins = 1496.1 yards (1368.0 meters), 342 grams
Taito Shop Tampere in Tampere, Western Finland
December 7, 2011

Yarn usage:

  • From cast-on to the end of chart C: 87 grams = 348 meters = 25%
  • From the set-up rounds for chart D to the beginning of edging: 185 grams = 740 meters = 54%
  • Knitted-on edging: 70 grams = 280 meters = 20%

Started with DPNs, switched to a 20” circular after the increases between charts A and B, to a 32” circular between charts B and C, and a 40” circular after chart C, after increasing to 576 stitches. 32” would have been just long enough, but it felt a bit crowded.

Finished Chart C section on December 26th having used a total of 87 grams = 348 meters of yarn by then. Looks like the Chart D section is going to be more than half the yardage of the whole shawl.

Started the second skein during the set-up rounds for chart D.

While knitting chart C, I thought that would be my favorite part of the project, but I think I will also like chart D, which is fortunate, considering what a huge part of the shawl it is.

I can’t believe so few people so far are knitting this pattern! It’s beautiful and relatively easy.

Started third skein on the 9th row of second repeat of chart D.

Before starting the edging I had used up 272 grams of yarn.

Started the fourth skein about halfway through the edging. I think my yardage will be more than the pattern estimate.

viewed 2741 times | helped 27 people
December 24, 2011
January 7, 2012
About this pattern
663 projects, in 1648 queues
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About this yarn
by Taito Pirkanmaa
100% Wool
437 yards / 100 grams

1809 projects

stashed 1713 times

IgnorantBliss' star rating
  • Originally queued: November 1, 2011
  • Project created: December 24, 2011
  • Updated: January 8, 2012
  • Progress updates: 14 updates