Bachhuber Family Portrait Blanket
May 10, 2020
July 3, 2020

Bachhuber Family Portrait Blanket

Project info
Machine Knitting
43.5" x 30.7"
Tools and equipment
JaggerSpun Maine Line 2/20
June 10, 2020
JaggerSpun Maine Line 2/20
June 10, 2020

The Knit Picks Palette yarn was very nice, and the colors were great, but it was juuuuuust a bit too large for DBJ on the standard gauge machine.

I ended up going with Jaggerspun Maine Line 2/20, 2 ends of each color.

After being out of my studio for 2 years (moving and construction) I finally finished something! It was a commission from an acquaintance for his mom’s birthday. She’s a huge fan of the Green Bay Packers football team, and he wanted it to be in their team colors - green and gold.
I used 2 ends in each color of Jaggerspun Maine Line laceweight. It was knitted on a Brother KH-930 and KR-850, stitch size 2/2, in double bed jacquard with a slip birdseye backing. I designed the image in GIMP, and used img2track to load the pattern into the machine. It was knitted in 3 panels, unequally split - I wanted the joins to be in locations that would have the least visual impact on the final product. The panels were 95x408, 129x408 and 179x408. Total weight of the completed blanket was 614g/21.7oz. Final size is 43.5”x30.7”
I used a circular waste yarn ending and removed each piece from the machine to do a “smiles and frowns” bind off, which worked out beautifully. The seams were hand stitched with a mattress stitch.

viewed 284 times
May 10, 2020
July 3, 2020
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by JaggerSpun
100% Wool
5600 yards / 454 grams

207 projects

stashed 258 times

ItMakesYouSmile's star rating
ItMakesYouSmile's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Slightly fragile
  2. Soft
  3. Intense colors
  • Project created: April 29, 2020
  • Updated: July 4, 2020