DBJ Swatching and Seaming
September 7, 2022
September 14, 2022

DBJ Swatching and Seaming

Project info
Machine Knitting
Tools and equipment
Brother KH-940

This swatching is a precursor to my Great Lakes Knits Project. I plan to knit a multi-panel piece (hopefully several) in DBJ, and I wanted to begin by trying several different iterations of seaming 2 DBJ panels together. I’ve never been all that pleased with previous attempts.

I knitted 30 rows of SW1 #12 in segments, along the needlebed, so that the edges would match up in pattern. The last 2 edges overlap by 1 stitch. I used KC11 so that I didn’t have double the number of stitches at the edge, even though the design is a repeating fair isle pattern - it’s not needed because of the ribber backing. That way the stitch pattern can match up exactly.

Since DBJ is knitted in half-pitch, the last stitch (whether on ribber or main bed) hangs out, just a tad. I took this into consideration when planning my seaming experiments.

Stitch pattern - SWI #12
SS 4/4
30 rows of pattern
All segments were knit with KCII

Section #1 44L-16L; 1st & last stitch on ribber

JOIN #1 Ribber stitch to ribber stitch. Least flat of the 3 seams, but still pretty flat. But front is ugly. Too much space between stitches on front.

Section #2 15L-14R; 1st & last stitch on ribber

JOIN #2 Ribber stitch to ribber stitch. Second flattest seam. Quickest join, as I simply matched up the alternating color stitches of the birdseye backing, taking yarn under both sides of the ribber stitch. Join looks good on front and holds up well to pulling, does not show seaming.

Section #3 15R-45R. 1st & last stitch on MB.

JOIN #3 Mattress stitch from front, MB to MB, using 1/2 of each stitch. This is the flattest and most flexible seam. From front is indistinguishable from knitting. This was also the most time consuming seam.

Section #4 45R-75R 1st & last stitch on MB. Duplicating one stitch between sections (45R) allowed for mattress stitch 1/2 of each from each section.

119 stitches total = appx 14in. 8.5st/in Full 200 stitch panel would be appx 23.5in.
30 rows = appx 2.5in 12rs/in
Stretch = 1.4

viewed 62 times | helped 1 person
September 7, 2022
September 14, 2022
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: September 13, 2022
  • Finished: September 21, 2022
  • Updated: October 7, 2022