Frost Flowers - Hand Manipulated
In progress
June 3, 2018
work in progress

Frost Flowers - Hand Manipulated

Project info
Machine Knitting
Tools and equipment
Brother KH-930 Electroknit
Yeoman Yarns Panama 4 ply

I am revisiting the Frost Flowers pattern by machine - hand manipulated stitches. Some yarns just are not suited for transfers with the lace carriage. This Yeoman Panama is one. With a high cotton content, and a fairly relaxed spin, it is very splitty.

I recharted the pattern for needle selection, but no lace transfers, just hand transfers, and knitting one row in between.

Except for the first row of the pattern, this was how I set it up:

• Lace carriage L-R to select needles. All transfers to the left.
• Lace carriage R-L to select needles. Remove lace carriage and set aside. All transfers to the right.
• Knit one row.
• Lace carriage, reseat, move out past turn point, then L-R to select needles. All transfers to the left.
• Lace carriage R-L to select needles. Remove lace carriage and set aside. All transfers to the right.
• Knit one row.

When I got to the section with just the long, vertical runs of faggotting, I quit using the lace carriage to transfer. I knew that each segment had 10 transfers, with knitted rows in between each, so after the first row, I just made the transfers based on what was below in the pattern. Then, after making 10 transfers in those positions, I forwarded the pattern by 20 rows and used the carriage for automatic selection for the first of the next 10 transfers. Once I saw where they were, I just made the transfers based on that selection, and knit in between each direction. That ended up saving a lot of time and effort.

Stitch size 8.

I knitted the lace portion and then a bit of stockinette, with the 3-stitch transfer no-roll edging. I will then knit the second lace section, and as much stockinette as I can, until I run out of yarn, and then graft the two sides together.

I did not transfer the purl stitches to the ribber. I think it would be too difficult to knit lace with the ribber up. On the second half, I will reform the first few stitches of the purl stitch sections, then drop and relatch those stitches.

viewed 130 times | helped 1 person
In progress
June 3, 2018
work in progress
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Yeoman Yarns
50% Cotton, 50% Acrylic
2187 yards / 450 grams

279 projects

stashed 215 times

ItMakesYouSmile's star rating
  • Project created: June 9, 2018
  • Updated: June 9, 2018