October 16, 2011
October 26, 2011


Project info
Xavi's Waistcoat by MarshyKnits!
Martin, as usual
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Artesano Hummingbird DK
327 yards in stash

Cast om 127 sts in DK weight yarn and 3.5mm needles to fit my smallish 2-year-old with some growing room (if I find my tape measure, I will give a proper gauge). Following the rest of the directions fairly faithfully (bit more room between button holes) and it seems to be working out nicely with DK instead of fingering weight for this larger size.

For armhole: knit 14, p1, knit 17, cast off three, then cast off two the next row and knit all the rest.

I really didnt think this same count would work for mine since I cast on a different number of stitches to start with. However, this ought to work to divide the waistcoat into 4ths. Two 4ths belong to the back panel and one 4th each to the front panels.

Since the armholes seem to be constructed symmetrically and identical front/back & each side, I think this ought to work… but I am confused about how I could have the same stitch count to the first three bind offs as in the original pattern. I’ve made a chart so I can get both sides and the back the same.

-- my math was wrong or somehow just didnt match up with reality. By eyeballing it, I decided knit 14, p1, k17, cast off three was a better beginning. Seemed to work out ok in the end, though I could have gone even fewer stitches on the front panels and been ok.

Gonna put in a lifeline just before this point, anticipating that I might need to rip stuff out if it doesnt look right. Fingers crossed, here I go!

-- very glad I put that lifeline in as I ripped the panels out twice before I was happy.

In the end it fit really well! not too tight at all, should last a good while. And BOY is it cute :D I made him wear it today for picture day at Barnehage, I hope he kept it on ;) Martin has a great aversion to anything I have knit for him, he screams OW OW OW when we try to put it on him, even if it doesnt touch his skin :P I guess it hurts his soul.

viewed 77 times
October 16, 2011
October 26, 2011
About this pattern
9 projects, in 59 queues
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About this yarn
by Artesano
100% Alpaca
327 yards / 150 grams

991 projects

stashed 765 times

JGab's star rating
  • Originally queued: September 23, 2011
  • Project created: October 16, 2011
  • Finished: October 27, 2011
  • Updated: November 29, 2011
  • Progress updates: 5 updates