Boston Marine Cardigan
August 19, 2009
September 22, 2009

Boston Marine Cardigan

Project info
Favorite Cardigan by Wendy Bernard
vacation me
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
777 yards = 3.6 skeins
Malabrigo Yarn Worsted
86 yards in stash
3.6 skeins = 777.6 yards (711.0 meters), 360 grams
The Knitting Nest in Austin, Texas

Update: I’ve been debating this, but the buttons in the bust area gape . I think I’m going to seam this baby; I’ll probably end up wearing it much more often, and I don’t think I’ll really miss being able to button/unbotton it. I’ll post new pictures when I do.

I certainly have to shout out to feministy for her inspiring FO. I chose a similar color, and my best FO shot even models hers (that part was unintentional).

My sister and I are heading to Boston at the end of September and I’m hoping to finish this in about a month.

Mods/notes:Separated sleeves on first round of sixth repeat (did three fewer increases than called for); added additional increase on front panels only.
Another set of front panel increases was added on row three of round six.
I finished my first skein of yarn after row two of round seven.
I added a final set of front panel increases on row one of eigth round.

I added my first waist decrease at the first row of round ten (about 4 1/4” past sleeve separation.
Ribbing was started after eleven repeats.
I picked up less stitches than called for on the button band, 76 per side.
The body, unblocked, is 21 inches long.

Sleeves were just under sixteen repeats (sleeves ended on row four of round sixteen).

9-21 Blocked yesterday. Buttons going on tonight, as well as weaving in last ends.

9-13 Second sleeve is going so much faster than the first. I can’t wait to be done!

9-12 Finally finished first sleeve. On to the second with 12 days left to the deadline!

9-11 Now I remember why I’ve never knit full sleeves. They take for.fracking.evar.

9-6 Wove in ends and halfway through the first sleeve.

9-5 Button bands are done. Buttons are purchased. Sleeves are all that remain!

Later on 9-4 Well, I guess it was inevitable for me to make at least one mistake. I was cruising right long on the second button band (my first one), and I skipped right over the sentence about CO stitches on the row after BO for each button. Argh. Undoing about 5 rows of the button band now.

9-4 Finished one side of the button band. It looks so good, and the fit is perfect. I’ll do the other side of the button band this weekend and get started on the sleeves. I’m trying to decide what kind of buttons I want. Maybe I can do a little button shopping this weekend as well.

8-30 Finished the body. I’m going to do the button band first so I can make the sleeves as long as I want.

8-29 Holy. Sixteen inches from cast on. Unbelievable. Starting the ribbing, with just a few yards of the second skein left.

I’m about five inches under the sleeve separation. On day five. This is amazingly fast.

viewed 856 times | helped 4 people
August 19, 2009
September 22, 2009
About this pattern
623 projects, in 830 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
100% Merino
210 yards / 100 grams

159876 projects

stashed 88045 times

JaceynotJC's star rating
  • Originally queued: August 23, 2008
  • Project created: August 19, 2009
  • Finished: September 27, 2009
  • Updated: December 27, 2012