Ásta Sóllilja
April 13, 2015
January 16, 2016

Ásta Sóllilja

Project info
Ásta Sóllilja by Kate Davies Designs
Needles & yarn
Ístex Plötulopi – Unspun Icelandic
12 skeins = 3935.7 yards (3598.8 meters), 1200 grams
Storkurrin Reykjavic
April 10, 2015
Ístex Plötulopi – Unspun Icelandic
Storkurrin Reykjavic
April 10, 2015

Update - 24th Jan 2016 - having worn this jumper a lot since I finished it, I absolutely love it. It’s very cosy, very comfy and I’ve had lots of positive comments on it. Definitely a go-to jumper and I’d knit with lopi wool again in a flash.

13th April 2015: Fabulous trip to Iceland, and of course came back with wool - unspun Lopi. Have been advised to knit this double strand, taking the wool from the middle and the outside of the cake at the same time.

Basing the pattern on Kate Davies’ Ásta Sóllilja, and so far have got as far as a swatch to work out the gauge and also the order of my colours. Quite fancy doing extended cuffs in the second colour (camel) a bit like Moon Pulls but only ribbed rather than moss stitch.

The unspun Lopi is very fragile, so you have to be careful not to tug it from the cake or it just breaks. But loving the amount of air in the yarn, and the effect.

17th April - gauge is way bigger than the pattern, so using 4mm pins and basing the size on Mailin, which is one of my favourite jumpers. Trying to work out colour order in the gauge too - actually not going for either of these option, but a variation on one.

2nd January 2016 - picked this up again after very many distractions. Keep missing one strand of the lopi so knitting with a Tunisian crochet hook as one needle - works well. Got to about 10 inches of body done, decided too big and frogged to just above the pattern above the rib. The tension in the pattern seems absolutely fine, enough stretch, but even so when I went on to the plain knitting this grew in width substantially, so adding shaping from just above the pattern.

16.1.15 Finished - hurray - and just in time for the snow. Love love love this jumper, the shaping worked really well, it’s very warm and surprisingly snow resistant, an all round winner.

Mods: made as for size 1, added in 2 short rows at back of neck, then decreased a further 12 st over each of the next 2 rounds. 4 rows rib and cast off in pattern.

Like the fact that the yolk pattern isn’t too dense, still a lot of the main colour through it so it doesn’t look too like the Lord Mayor’s Jewels.

viewed 459 times | helped 1 person
April 13, 2015
January 16, 2016
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Ístex
100% Icelandic
328 yards / 100 grams

17232 projects

stashed 13385 times

Jenerates' star rating
  • Project created: April 13, 2015
  • Finished: January 16, 2016
  • Updated: January 24, 2016
  • Progress updates: 4 updates