Uh, finally finished this. Used spun 2-ply rag yarns, sent to cousin, never received confirmation of receipt of package though tracking says it was delivered. Either she thinks it’s fugly or is just busy and forgot to say anything, lol.
Pics: Adam said that if I was a chief of a tribe, my name could be “Chief Takes Pictures with Frownie Face” after seeing the first pic, hahaha! it’s true! 2nd pic: fake singing because I think posing with my face for photos is SO awkward.
old notes
Making a third one of these using different rag yarns than the others.
This time, I’m spinning and plying a 2ply rag yarn, ends up being about 3-4 wpi. depending on how thin I cut the fabric and how tightly I spin the singles.
starting afresh, changed my mind on a color. It needed more contrast, so the “Mulberry Shimmer” had to go. Plus, I am finding inconsistencies in my yarn since I cut & spun various skeins on two separate occasions with lots of life in between. I think I will cut all the fabric into yarn before beginning again with the stitching. That way, I will be sure there is no shortage, and my “to be cut into rag yarn” collection of clothes will get smaller. I wonder which takes up less room--probably the yarn since there is some waste with making clothes into yarn. Should take me about a week, give or take.
Watch this space…and my stash as more handspun rag yarn rolls in.