Knitted Version, further testing required…
as set-purls get purled, knits get knit, green into green, brown into brown
bo-bindoff knitwise
bop-bindoff purlwise
fb-front and back
k2tog-knit two together
m1-make one
ssk-slip slip knit
with brown
CO 6
1: k1, (p fb) 4 times, k1, turn
2: p5, with green p5, turn
3: as set
4: as set
5: with green k1, (ssk, k2tog) twice, k1, turn
6: p6, turn
carry brown behind work to knit a knitted co 5.
7: with green k2, with brown k4, (m1, k1) twice, backward loop co10 onto right needle, (k1, m1) twice, k1, backward loo co5 onto right needle, turn
8: with free end of green p2, with brown p12, with 12” piece of green p2, with brown p12, with green p2, turn
9: with green bo1, with brown bo4, finish row as set, cut end of green just bound off leaving 2” tail, turn
10: with green bop1, with brown bop4, p5, bop3, with green bop2, with brown bop5, p4, cut end of green just bound off leaving 2” tail, turn
11: k10, turn
12: p10, turn
13: k10, turn
14: p10, turn
15: k3 and place them on hold, k1, m1, k2, m1, k1 place remaining 3 sts on hold, turn
16: p6, turn
17: k6, turn
18: p6, turn
19: k6, turn
20: with green p6, turn
21: bo6, cut green leaving 2” tail, cut brown leaving 10” tail
Place all 6 held stitches onto needles with knit sides to the front, being careful not to twist fabric. Begin with knit side facing.
1: sl3, with brown k3, turn
2: p6, turn
3: k6, turn
4: p6, turn
5: k6, turn
6: with green p6, turn
7: bo6, cut green leaving 2” tail
sew seams with brown using mattress and leaving a 1 stitch selvedge on each side.
December 23, 2019
Crochet Version Instructions will come whenever, maybe never, lol