Boy bunny with a piebald patch #3
April 3, 2015
April 19, 2015

Boy bunny with a piebald patch #3

Project info
Bunny with a striped sweater by Julie Williams
Amanda K.
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
220 yards in stash
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
220 yards in stash
Knit Picks Palette
231 yards in stash
Knit Picks
Knit Picks Palette
231 yards in stash
Knit Picks
Knit Picks Palette
231 yards in stash
Knit Picks

4/3/2015 - So many pregnant girls at work these days! This is becoming my go-to gift! This one’s already known to be a baby boy, so I thought it would be fun to go blue-on-blue. Not sure what to do for the sweater pattern. Since we work at Kent State, AND Amanda’s last name begins with a K, I thought about doing a big K on the front. We’ll see…

4/5/2015 - Genius! Why didn’t I think of this on the first two bunnies. Knit both ears at the same time - they both fit on the needle, even using an average (8”?) single point needle. This way, even if I worry I forgot to click my row counter at some point, I know they’ll both be the same length. Plus it’s handier when remembering this is a P3tog row (what an evil stitch!), vs a “slip 1, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over” row… Handy to just do it at the same time for both ears.

4/9/2015 - Slow going on this guy. Although some parts feel slower because I did both ears at the same time, both legs at the same time, both arms at the same time, and that includes the seaming for each type (one arm right after the other).

I’m not sure what size needle I knit the previous bunny (for Ginnie) on…I’m guessing it was a bigger size - US2.5 or US3? This bunny, knit on US2, is definitely smaller sitting next to the previous bunny, and it’s a more dense, less floppy fabric. Neither is particularly better than the other - they’re just different. I would say I’m less likely to see padding through this one, that’s for sure.

Now he just needs a tail (can’t decide on color), a sweater (I’m thinking an off-white cabled fisherman style?), and trousers (dark gray or black? Super dark blue? Oh, maybe really dark grayish green!)

4/19/2015 - Brett says he prefers this more-snug rabbit on the smaller needles, while I think I prefer the more floppy green bunny that I did for Ginnie. At the same time, this one has the much better fitting clothes - I realized I didn’t use lighter weight yarn for the clothes on the other rabbit, as per instructions. This one DOES sit upright better, doesn’t have a droopy head, etc… I ended out just going with the striped sweater per the pattern - didn’t want anything too fancy that would compete with/get lost behind the bib overalls.

Need to learn to do pompoms better! I made three before settling on this one!

Both bunnies got a little something extra - BELLY BUTTONS!! What bunny doesn’t need one?

HUGE thanks to wendyknits for her bib overalls info - Really happy with using those! ( ) I suspect she was a bit neater with her overalls than I was, but I suspect I’ll have a chance to practice these again soon (why do we suddenly have so many pregnant coworkers and friends?!).

The other rabbit in the “buddies” picture is the one for Ginnie:

viewed 100 times
April 3, 2015
April 19, 2015
About this pattern
2079 projects, in 1259 queues
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
220 yards / 100 grams

197618 projects

stashed 108516 times

Jephers' star rating
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
231 yards / 50 grams

98167 projects

stashed 145360 times

Jephers' star rating
  • Project created: April 6, 2015
  • Finished: April 19, 2015
  • Updated: November 23, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates