#3 of 6 or so
January 18, 2021
February 10, 2021

#3 of 6 or so

Project info
Advent Scarf 2020 by Tricia Weatherston
Neck / TorsoScarf
Needles & yarn

4th: https://www.ravelry.com/projects/JessicaJean/advent-scarf...

2nd: https://www.ravelry.com/projects/JessicaJean/advent-scarf...

1st: https://www.ravelry.com/projects/JessicaJean/advent-scarf...

January 19, 2021

The on the right is but a single strand - the two triangles and the ‘box’ above them. The ‘box’ is worked in the round - by picking up along the top of 3 and 2, the sides of 10 and 11, and casting on for the other two sides of the ‘box’. Then working garter stitch in the round, with four double decreases every knit round, to form the four mitred; ending at the centre with four stitches.

The two white triangles are a single strand.

The two white squares on the left are also a single strand - by means of a 12-stitch float, which was worked over every other stitch.
Reduction of ends!! smiley

Squares 16 and 15 could have been worked with uncut strands - four ends instead of eight - had I not already done 13 and 14. Next time.

January 20, 2021

On this strip, I think I’m going to be doing all the tiny squares in grey and a colour there’s little of. That’s how I did the six 8 x 8 squares on the right side of Section 1. The grey is one uncut strand, while the other colours were tiny butterflies of leftover yarns - each worked as many complete stripes as possible before changing to the next.

January 22, 2021

Day 5 …
1st, I mixed up the knitting order AND the direction in which the motifs face.
Order worked from right to left: 30, 31, 32, 33.
I used the directions for square 153 (8 sts wide) instead of the 6stitch wide #32.
I’ll worry later how to work the future (narrower) sections later.

2nd, when I got into #30, I was distracted, and it’s striped instead of two-toned.

N. B. This narrow - only twelve stitches high - strip could easily be placed elsewhere in the scarf.
Look for it on the subsequent strips!

January 24, 2021

One strand from square 35 can be used in square 41, thus eliminating two ends.

January 25, 2021

Strange. Squares 38 and 39 are 7x7 sts. That means 14 sts high. But square 37 is only 12 high. Somehow they fit!

Then I needed to fudge a bit to pick up 8 (square 44) where there were only 7 (square 38).

Two yarns alternating, uncut, for squares 38, 39, 44, 45, and 46. Two ends, instead of ten!!

So, I laid the first strip across the bed to see how it falls. This will probably be the biggest blanket I ever make. Most of the others I use on our bed don’t hang nearly as long on the sides as this will!

I’ve done the first three sections in order (though not all their bits are in order), and now I’m going to do section 10 next - the star/sun - because I want it visible on top of the bed, not hanging invisible off the side.

January 25, 2021

Strange. Squares 38 and 39 are 7x7 sts. That means 14 sts high. But square 37 is only 12 high. Somehow they fit!

Then I needed to fudge a bit to pick up 8 (square 44) where there were only 7 (square 38).

Two yarns alternating, uncut, for squares 38, 39, 44, 45, and 46. Two ends, instead of ten!!

So, I laid the first strip across the bed to see how it falls. This will probably be the biggest blanket I ever make. Most of the others I use on our bed don’t hang nearly as long on the sides as this will!

I’ve done the first three sections in order (though not all their bits are in order), and now I’m going to do section 10 next - the star/sun - because I want it visible on top of the bed, not hanging invisible off the side.

Section 10 sequence:
Work 8x8 squares along left edge first. Individual colours (a dozen ends) or one (two ends).

If wanting to work central four mitred squares in the round (reducing ends), work perimeter squares first.

Background colour can be uncut from #161, to 167, and - by means of a L_O_N_G float - for #172.

Background colour can be uncut from #161, to 167, and - by means of a L_O_N_G float - for #172.

Background colour can be uncut from #161, to 167, and - by means of a L_O_N_G float - for #172.

January 28, 2021

Well, lacking Mexicana, I opted to use very short lengths of leftover colours. Yes, creating more ends, but … I like the effect. And my baggie of short bits is diminished.

Maybe … I’ll work future stars/suns as written, instead of in the round? Sure would be faster!

February 3, 2021

I think I have mastered the so-called Russian Join.
Tale: a year or so ago, a bag of wire-tied yarn butterflies came home from the Goodwill store. Some bright green, some dark. Wires removed, there were some usable lengths … usable by a nut like me, that is. After using up a bunch in earlier parts on this strip (and the previous two), there wasn’t much left. I decided to do the ‘frame’ of the diamonds motif. As the available lengths were shorter and shorter, I began using the Russian join instead of my usual interlocking. There are three or four joins in each of the final four triangles at the top. Leftover? Two 8” bits!! They’ll join the collection of even shorter bits for my Magic Ball. link text

February 4, 2021

In section 5, the main colour for the ‘windows’ can be carried uncut from 59 to 61 and from 50 to 62. Four ends instead of eight!

February 6, 2021

After I took the photo of the partial section 5/days 10 and 11, my circular vanished! Since those are the only cubic tips of that size, knitting is stalled until they reappear.

I found it, exactly where I’d safely placed it. Knitting continues.

Were I ever to do this the intended scarf, I would first decide on the border yarn, and use it as two or four row section dividers. That would allow for any variances in width to be adjusted within those dividers.

February 10, 2021

Third strip finished!

24 days. Too many mid-row naps.

May 8, 2021

Yay!!! All ends woven in on third of five strips!!! Two to go!

viewed 231 times
January 18, 2021
February 10, 2021
About this pattern
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  • Project created: January 18, 2021
  • Finished: February 10, 2021
  • Updated: May 8, 2021