Variegated yarns, in my opinion, look prettier done in stockinette. So, starting from a cast on a tad bigger than my big head (23”), I worked a stockinette square with a hole in the center. However, stockinette curls. So, I added the hefty border from the Trinity Stitch Shawl (available free here on Ravelry). That tamed the curl! Since that border doesn’t turn right angles very well, I filled in the corners with mitred squares … or began to. I cast off when I’d about run out of yarn. The ‘notched’ corners can be considered a design element.
To make it more useful as a blanket, I added a collar - probably crocheted, I don’t remember - and a drawstring with cord-lock. Who needs a hole in the middle of a blanket when taking a nap?
I had made it for myself, but wore it while visiting my sister. My niece saw it, … and now it’s hers. I had hoped to buy more of the same variegate yarn on the next trip to Syria to make myself another one, but that didn’t happen.
The variegated yarn’s made in Turkey and is almost a bulky weight. The orange yarn … I think it was worsted weight from my stash. The difference in yarn thickness was of no importance, because the border is so heavy. That border fairly gobbles up yarn!