December 4, 2019
November 13, 2020


Project info
BlanketBaby Blanket
Diana's second
Twin bed: aiming for 66"x90"
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
5.0 mm (H)
Baycrest Sayelle Knitting Worsted
1 skein = 50 grams
Eaton's Yarn Sayelle Knitting Worsted
2 skeins = 112 grams
Red Heart Super Saver (Solids)
1 skein = 364.2 yards (333.0 meters), 198 grams
no dye lot
Red Heart Super Saver (Solids)
Given by Sylvia
Red Heart Super Saver (Solids)
0.65 skeins = 0.0 yards (0.0 meters), 128 grams
Red Heart Super Saver (Solids)
1 skein = 364.2 yards (333.0 meters), 198 grams
No Dye Lot
Red Heart Super Saver Fleck
2 skeins = 520.6 yards (476.0 meters), 282 grams

Saw the pattern page on Ravelry for the Isosceles Shawl. Besides the high price, I really don’t need or want another triangular shawl. So this will be my variation on it with the pointy ‘wings’ replaced by the more substantial ‘arms’ of the ruana-like Big Snuggly. It should stay on with no fussing.

Central square made with somewhat ancient Baycrest yarn. No barcode.
Before use, the naked skein weighed 60.3g. I guess the machines that measured the yarn in the factory weren’t as accurate back then. It’s rare to find a ball today that’s one-fifth overweight!

August 21, 2020

I finally admitted to myself that my ability to knit geometric shapes is woefully lacking. I began unraveling while watching TV.

I’ll remove all the coloured bits, and consider buying the pattern. I would really like to figure this out, but seem unable to do so.

August 22, 2020

So, I finally admitted to myself that I cannot complete this without buying the pattern. No need of yet another shawl pattern, much though its construction intrigues me.
I ripped out all the colours - red, purple, turquoise - and will knit another colour-block and mitered blanket based on the central white square. First one:

Just as well. My eldest sister just told me last night that her daughter is expecting a baby boy in December. I guess this blanket will be for him!

August 24, 2020

So, Diana’s request is that there be no pink, brown, or black in the blanket.
Since it’s a boy, pink wasn’t in my thinking.
There’s not much brown in my yarn collection, so that’s easy.
Black and my elderly eyes don’t get along well, making its exclusion a relief for me.

Now, to dig in the stash and decide on format. Mitered squares? Log cabin strips? Colour blocks?

August 25, 2020

Strange. I didn’t change needle sizes when I made this:, but I’ve tried two larger sizes so far on this one.

At the moment, it’s on US 10.5. If this doesn’t work, I’ll abandon the center square altogether.

Yes, now the added section lies flat, but … I’m not at all happy with the too large stitches. Ripping again!

So, #pick up 4, pick up 1 from both last loop used and next) twice; repeat from #.
Total of 28 stitches across.
Using the turquoise for the first four added bands.
Using original needles.
Finally! Progress!

22 rows later … need to rip again!!!
Needs more stitches. Argh!

I do NOT understand why I had no such problem with the first one I made.

August 26, 2020

So, it seems I need 36 stitches.
pick up 1, add 1;
(pick up 2, add 1) 11 times;
pick up 1.
Now to try.

August 27, 2020

36 is the magic number!
Two adjacent turquoise rectangles done, and the other two well underway. The second has a couple fewer rows than the first. I’ll have to equalize all four before proceeding.

August 28, 2020

More progress!
The central square has been neatly bordered - 12 garter ridges, bound off on the right side.
The resulting gaps at the corners have been filled in with two-tone mitred squares. I ran out of the turquoise, so finished off with a couple of ridges of purple.
60 stitches on each side.
I’ll decide tomorrow if the next step is more mitred squares or log cabin style ‘logs’, and what colour(s).
So far, I think it will be all garter stitch.

Never did get any sleep. I can’t even blame it on hot weather; the weather’s perfect! Low humidity. Neither hot nor cold. Would that we could have this everyday for the whole summer!

So, this round of mitred squares is base 15; i.e. each square will be 15 stitches on every side.

August 29, 2020

Cut or float?
I decided on a rather long float.
I just hope there’s enough slack after I catch it up while working the next ‘round’ of mitred squares. If not, the option to cut and weave in ends always remains.

I detest yarns that are made with bits of contrasting colour yarns added in the spinning process!! WHY?
When knitting with it, I’m terribly tempted to pick out the strange bits.
In use and when washed, many of those bits ‘shed’!
While knitting it, I have the constant suspicion that the coloured bits were the spinning room sweepings. I know that’s not the case, but the thought resurfaces.
So why am I using this beflecked blue-grey yarn? Baby boy, but twin bed size requested, means he’ll be well past the everything-goes-in-mouth age by the time he uses it, so no possible choking hazzard.
I don’t remember if it these two labelless skeins came into my stash from a purchase I made, or if they’d been in the portion of Sylvia’s stash which I’d inherited. Whichever, it’s certain they passed through Goodwill. We both enjoyed enhancing our yarn collections there. :)

To change a square to a rectangle …

Choice 1: continue building uoon the current square until it’s the desired width, then build up the two ends until they extend to the desired length.

Choice 2: add to two opposite ends until the difference between all edges and desired size is the same.

Time enough to decide while working the current round.

September 2, 2020

MATH as pertains to this project:
Picked up 36 stitches on each side of central square.
Worked 14-stitch mitred squares to fill in the corners after the turquoise ‘logs’ were done.
36 + (14) 2 = 60
With 60 stitches on each side, I decided to work another ‘round’ of mitred squares - 15 stitches on a side. That’s the white and Flecked Blue (which still looks blue-grey to me).
60 + (15) 2 = 90.
Next round of mitres is light purple with more of the blue fleck, in mitres 10 stitches on a side.
90 + (10) 2 = 110.

2020-09-07 A most useful site to find the number for the next set of mitred squares:

September 3, 2020

Interesting comparaisons:
Red Heart Super Saver yarns:
FLECK: 260 yds. ; 4.97 oz.
SOLIDS: 364 yds. ; 6.98 oz.
MULTIS/PRINTS: 244 yds. ; 6.98 oz.

Supposedly, all are #4 Aran weight. In reality/my experience, the blue fleck is much thinner than the solids. I haven’t any multis/prints to compare, but they’re usually shorter/lighter ball weight than the solids.

In using this seemingly endless ball of blue fleck, it’s seems to have a whole lot more yardage than expected!

September 4, 2020

So far, I am delighted with the long floats where I turn the corners!

Almost halfway around with the 10 stitch mitres.

More than halfway around.
Calculated - 110 stitches on each side. Thinking again about adding some logs - but NOT binding off - or just doing more mitred squares.

September 7, 2020

Round of ten-stitch mitred squares DONE!
It now measures about 30” on each side.
Now, to decide what colour(s) to use next.
If I switch to mitred rectangles, I’ll also have to switch to a longer circular. This 28” one won’t hold 220 stitches.

I don’t want to fiddle with changing needles, so another round of mitres it will be. This time based on 22 sts/side. Using Hot Red and a light blue without any identifying label.

September 8, 2020

22 stitch mitred squares begun!

It’s beginning to be a tad warm on the lap. Soon, I’ll have to put most of the mass into a drawstring bag, so it can be between my legs, instead of on them.

September 9, 2020

The big ball of light blue that I’m using with the Hot Red seems to be Red Heart Comfort one-pound in Baby Blue:

Nearing the end of the fifth 22-stitch mitred square.

22-stitch square measures 5.5 inches on each side.

September 11, 2020

Twenty-four 22-stitch mitred squares in this ‘round’. Of those, eight are done, and the ninth is well begun.
No knots (yet) in either ball of yarn. +1

September 13, 2020

Turned a corner! Two sides to go on this round of mitred squares. I need to knit more and play online less.

September 15, 2020

Ninth from last 22-stitch square is begun!

Right now, the distance across the piece is about 40”. Still aways to go for more than a mattress-topper.
I’m still undecided about when to add ‘logs’. I’m really addicted to mitred squares! Maybe … A ROW of mitred squares on two opposing sides - to change it from a square to a rectangle? Done in a solid colour, that could be taken as a ‘log’.
Now, or later?

September 17, 2020

Six more mitred squares to do on this round!

September 21, 2020

Two squares to go.
Next round will be more of this Baby Blue with white. I have LOTS of white.
Base stitch number to be determined.

11:50 PM - Finished the Hot Red and Baby Blue round!!

September 22, 2020

Mitred squares round with base number 7 begun, using white and the same, continuous strand, of Baby Blue.

22 squares per side = 88 little mitred squares, plus 4 in the corners = 92 little squares to do in this ‘round’.

September 24, 2020

3 AM: 14 blue and white squares done.

September 25, 2020

Turned the first corner.

September 27, 2020

Second corner of Baby Blue and white mitred squares turned; third side well underway.
My sister’s staying with my niece most of the time from now until the baby arrives. She cares for the toddler and the mom, while the mom works crazy long days from home. She will be cutting down to only four days a week in November; baby due in early December. I guess she hasn’t a union.

September 28, 2020

Four squares to finish this side.

Hands ache sometimes. I take impromptu naps to rest them.

This is going to be a HEAVY blanket. The fabric is dense. Red Heart Super Saver is thicker/denser than most other worsted weight yarns. I mayn’t have enough yarn!

September 30, 2020

Next ‘round’ begun! Base number: 28. Still continuing white and using Frost Green. I might run out of this monster ball of white, but I have more. Ditto for the green.

September 30, 2020

This round will bring size up to sixty inches.

October 2, 2020

Two squares done! I need to nap less and knit more!!

October 4, 2020

4:40 AM Seventh square begun!
Time to refold the blanket, since I’ll be working on the second side. I need a bigger drawstring bag or switch now to a pillowcase and cord.

Next round will have 224 stitches on a side. Evenly divisible by: 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 16, 28, 32, 56, and 112. I’ll see how many will bring it up to the desired width of 66”, and decide on colours later.

October 4, 2020

“… do the crab stitch but using a reverse half double instead of a single crochet. I could never get the reverse single crochet to look pleasing to me. The reverse half double, ch 1, produces what I call a nice braided look.”

October 9, 2020

Only two squares to complete the second side!

Found a big old skein of a medium grey yesterday at the Goodwill across the street. It will become part of this too, eventually. It’s probably Red Heart Super Saver, colour Dusty Gray, but there’s no ball band. $1.75 for a one-pound ball with a half dozen other, smaller balls of nice and nicer yarn, I can’t hardly go wrong!

October 11, 2020

Previous measurements seem to be off.
One green and white square now measures 7”, and the length of one side is 58”.
Almost two sides left to do. The the grey and … a to be determined colour. Maybe burgundy?

I still have to finish this ‘round’ of mitred squares, before I’ll need to decide anything.

October 11, 2020

Seven 28-stitch squares per side.
One 7-oz. ball of Frost Green did two sides and three squares.

October 13, 2020

No knots in any of the balls of yarn, so far.

I’ve only a tiny bit of the white yarn left, but still one side of Frost Green and white mitred squares to go. Of course, there are plenty of balls of white in my stash, but they’re mostly noticeably thinner than what I’ve been using. The ones that are the same consistency are too different a shade of white. I have found one rather small ball that was probably made as a bulky, but matches in feel, so it will be added later today. If it runs out, I’ll just have to use another. In the grand scheme of things, it’s unlikely to be noticed by anyone but me.

October 14, 2020

Three sides (of the Frost Green and white) done! The new ball of white was added for the fourth side; I doubt it’ll be enough for the whole side. I’ll worry about which to use when I near the end.

57” across.
Lots of acreage yet to make.

October 15, 2020

Three and a quarter of the last eight squares in this Frost Green and white ‘round’ of mitred squares done!!

October 17, 2020

Still two more 28-stitch mitred squares to do on this round of squares.

October 18, 2020

Last of the 28-stitch squares DONE!!

I have two more balls of the Frost Green. I haven’t cut it. I think I’ll continue it, but with what? … medium grey or royal blue?
I think it’ll be the Royal Blue. I may do only two sides, instead of a full round, because it’s a partial ball - only 128g. Time this become a rectangle!

October 19, 2020

Just thinking …
Sixteen 14-stitch mitred squares on each side. Usually, 4 added at each corner, but I could work a different coloured square in each corner, the way I did at the corners of the original white square.
Almost two 14-stitch squares done on first side.

6:45 PM Oops! At start of fifth square, a knot in the Frost Green yarn! First knot.

October 23, 2020 at 9 AM

Nine 14-stitch squares on second side done.

Third ball of Frost Green added.

October 25, 2020 5:30 AM

Second side of 14-stitch squares done!
First of Frost Green and Royal squares begun.
Two more sides to do, then think about how to lengthen two sides only.
Mirrored or individual?
Mitred squares or log-cabin style?

October 26, 2020 5:30 AM

Four Frost Green and Royal squares done on third side!

Still undecided as to just how this will morph seamlessly from square to rectangle. Rows of mitred squares or just rows of garter stitch ‘logs’? Ends mirroring or independent?
Independent means I’ll be able to incorporate more small balls of yarn.
Mirrored means more work - working both ends at once on a really long circular.
Logs will also call for a longer cable.
Mitred squares, my drug of choice, will allow me to continue on the same circular.
Plenty of time to make up my mind! This round of squares isn’t done yet.

October 27, 2020 3AM

Nine squares done;seven to go on third side!

October 28, 2020 11:50 PM

Two squares to go on this third side

Maybe the extensions should be random?
Three strands of different colours worked in garter stitch changing colour at both sides, replacing with a new colour when one ends?
Thinking on it. It could be a real stashbuster, and my stash NEEDS to be reduced!

October 29, 2020 6:30 AM

Fourth side begun!!
18 Frost Green and grey striped mitred squares to do! Actually, one is already done, and the second well begun.

Thinking about the extensions …
Three strands -
-> one white, because I have a LOT of whites, and they can’t be used together any other way. (Who knew there could be so many shades of white!?)
-> one solid, beginning with the rest of the Frost Green?
-> one a variegate? I need to check if I have any variegated yarns without the forbidden pink, brown, or black.
Finish with a narrow band of mitred squares?

October 30, 2020 3:45 AM

5 of 18 done!

November 1, 2020

5 AM Eastern Standard Time
All the timepieces have been duly put back an hour.

There’s 1½ of the Frost Green and grey squares to do!!! Measuring and decisions later, after I’ve had a sleep.

4 PM - Mitred squares done!
64” on each side.
Eventually, I’ll bring up the width to the goal size with a border.
For now …
64 from 90 is 26 inches to add.
26/2=13. Minus the one-inch all-around border, means I need to add 12” to each end, or something like that.

So, the extensions will be added on the sides/ends that are the 14-stitch Frost Green and grey mitred squares, and will be a ‘log’ of 21-stitch mitred squares. A dozen such squares to cover the 252 stitches on each end should bring the size up to one inch on each side to the targeted size.
Now, to dig in the stash. I need either two huge balls the same to do mirrored ends, or …
Gone digging!

Late Evening
Dug out two giant balls - one dark red, the other - depending on lighting - either the most pale tint of green or a dirty white/cream. There should be enough of both to do both ends.

November 2, 2020 ===================================

First square done, second well begun.

All the previous squares began with the same colour for the cast-on/pickup rows. This set will have alternating colours on that first row on this end, and (assuming I remember) the other end will be as the rest.

Why? Well, don’t I need to give some clue to the user as to which end is which? That’s assuming anyone ever notices it. This blanket’s design is so eye-ticklingly busy, it’s possible either no one notices, or notices and takes it for an error.

Of target area 5940 square inches, 4096 are done, or approximately 70%. Progressing!!

November 3, 2020 5:50 AM

Five of the twelve red and white squares done, sixth begun.

November 5, 2020

Only three of the dozen on this end to do!!
I could have done more today (today counting from 11 AM Wednesday to 5AM Thursday), but I kept looking at election results, a pure waste of time. With any luck, I will finish them later today/Thursday. Then to do the other end. Completion is nearing!!
(i.e. I can’t wait to work on something else!!)

November 6, 2020 4:50AM

First end done!
Other end begun.

November 10, 2020 2AM

6 of 12 red and white squares done.

November 12, 2020

Woohoo!!! The red and whitish squares are DONE!!!!

On my queen-size bed, both long edges hang over a bit, and the two short edges almost hang over.
Now, how to border?
Pick up a bazillion stitches on one side at a time and knit a ‘log’ - a few rows of garter stitch, or crochet a round of single crochet followed by a round of reverse sc, or do an applied i-cord all around.
I like the i-cord best except for the necessary grafting at the end. That is a major issue for me. I haven’t any trouble grafting the top of a mitten, but the one i-cord border I did took forever to do! Four lousy stitches! Not the kind of reward I would look forward to while creeping around this mass of fabric !!
I like the simple crochet border better - I think - than the idea of casting off a bazillion stitches loosely.
OK. Off to locate a crochet hook - same size as needles or a tad larger/smaller?
I’ll begin with the one I used for the cast ons throughout the knitting of it, just because I’m too tired to get up and look around for a set of hooks. And that hook is the largest on the $1 ‘keychain’ from eBay a few years ago. 5mm, 4mm, and 3mm.
Using a ball of Red Heart Super Saver in Claret.
I’m working the round of sc through both loops, even though I only used the back loop everywhere I had to pick up stitches. No reason.

November 13, 2020

1,133 single crochet stitches around.

One knot!

No other mid-colour joins, with the exception of the Frost Green, which has three joins.

I’ll count the colours later.

November 14, 2020

Note to self: NEXT time, don’t use the keychain hooks to work over a thousand stitches!! Instead, get up and find a ‘real’ hook! The ring finger and pinky on my right hand ache from my foolishness.

viewed 4142 times | helped 1 person
December 4, 2019
November 13, 2020
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Red Heart
96% Acrylic, 4% Other
260 yards / 141 grams

6649 projects

stashed 2845 times

JessicaJean's star rating
About this yarn
by Red Heart
100% Acrylic
364 yards / 198 grams

321479 projects

stashed 109856 times

JessicaJean's star rating
About this yarn
by Baycrest
100% Acrylic
110 yards / 50 grams

743 projects

stashed 461 times

JessicaJean's star rating
About this yarn
by Eaton's Yarn
100% Acrylic
56 grams

80 projects

stashed 53 times

JessicaJean's star rating
  • Project created: December 4, 2019
  • Finished: November 14, 2020
  • Updated: March 4, 2025
  • Progress updates: 7 updates