This is the first project page.
Second project page:
Third project page:
It takes many nurses to care for someone fighting cancer. When I suggested I knit a cap and scarf for one of them, my son shot down the idea, saying that I couldn’t give something to one and nothing to the others. So, I’m setting out to bust my stash of cotton knitting yarns. Dishcloths are unisex and everyone can find a use for one - either in the kitchen or in the shower, to clean dishes, counters, or bodies.
Patterns? I’ve collected a few, but haven’t decided yet.
The one I began late last night, while waiting for the washing machine to stop, is:
e-loop cast on
Slip first stitch purlwise, yarnover, knit to end. I’ll decide on the decrease half when I get there. 
October 29, 2019
When I counted 47 stitches on the needle, I began decreasing: sl 1, k2tog, k to end.
June 28, 2020
I never did get a photo of the first one, which wasn’t a mitered square anyway. Today, I’ve added a photo of the ones that have been made since my last visit to the hospital on November 19th, 2019.
There will be more, and eventually, they’ll be distributed. I still have plenty of kitchen cotton yarns.
December 6, 2022
Delivered to hospital:
26 square and 44 round cloths.